Jay Mohr is a whiny bitch
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I just finished reading Jay Mohr's "Gasping for Airtime" his autobiographical recollection of his two year stint as a Saturday Night Live writer/featured performer. I'm glad that I read the book because it offered me insight into a field that I am interested in pursuing, but the process of reading this thing was somewhat agonizing because of Mohr's terrible terrible bitchery. The whole book consists of him complaining about how he was treated without the respect that he deserved. Bear in mind that Mohr was 23 when he got the job. 23!!! Of course he's going to be treated like a rookie by the old hands on the show. To sum it up, Jay Mohr is a self-destructive little man with an ego problem that led unrealistic expectations.
That being said, upon reflection of my time in grad school I can find certain parallels between Mohr's journey and my own. I too expected instant rewards upon landing a position in grad school. This was not completely the case, and I am glad. It's important to learn the ropes and earn what you get. I have not had to work hard for most of the things that I've had in life - this was my parents' gift, but in a developmental sense it was also their mistake. One grows through pushing through the resistance of life, not by having the path cleared for him/her.
Going out into one's early twenties, after the achievements of high school and college, it's easy to forget that we're starting out at the bottom rung again. The heartening thing is that this rung is the rung. The beginning of adulthood.
Dear God, don't let me ever be like Jay Mohr. Nobody ever be like Jay Mohr.
Monkey fights octopus eye doctor.