Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Riddles and Tender Vittles


Weird dreams saunter hazily through my soft, downy cranium this morning. I had one of those "I've been assigned to perform a full-length one-man show at the Riffe center, but I can neither remember my lines nor can I find my way out of this upstate New York lake house (and it's already 7:45!)." You know the type. The dread former shogun of my undergrad department made an appearance as the person who petitioned that I land this role, so by floundering about in the labyrinth of woody vacation rooms, I was also squandering the opportunity that the acting man had set before me. I'm sure that the meaning of this dream is that one must be prepared for your aspirations, otherwise when the possibility of their fulfillment surfaces you will find yourself unable to attain them. Preparation is key. Mon is also key.

I finished Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell yesterday. WOOP! Great book, I must declare. It had me in its irreversable sway very quickly and wouldna let me go until the lemon-tart conclusion. So good. nearly 800 pages and it was this author's first novel. Wowza. Who in the nerf does that? I guess that she had it all held in. Anywhich, according to the internet, a film adaptation is being concieved, so that'll be the merdre. So now that I'm free from the confining sway of that book I can do other things - like bathe.

C-town and I went to see the midnight Rocky Horror Picture Show again. It's interesting to observe the behavior of the die-hard participants. For example, some of the live cast members had birthdays, and so the host type people brought them up in front of the screen and called for these people's "presents." The "presents" were 3 moderately attractive audience members of both sexes. The birthday boy and girls were then expected to "do something" with these "presents." What occured was about 2 minutes of awkward no-eye contact banter between the birthday people and their "presents." I felt pity for the poor youngsters (in both the cast and participants) who were faced with the option to either placate the crowd with some sort of Man Showesque act of sexual spectacle or to take no action and feel the burning pressure of 1) wasting the audience's time/attention [isn't that an alarming commentary on how valuable each moment of our attention has grown?]. In addition, through inaction the cast members wound up broadcasting the fact that they themselves do not practice the sexual freedom that they seem to preach. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure," is what Dr. Frankenfurter tells us, but these self-conscious youngins are a product of a different era. One founded on too-cool-for-school apathy and fear of the consequences of sexual promiscuity. I'm not saying that total caution in regard to diseases is a bad thing, in fact I find our modern views on sex far more reasonable than the Sexual Revolution of the 60's that created films like Rocky Horror. My point is that when one is exposed as a charlatan in front of an audience of acolytes, it is a terrible and valuable moment that can spark the reassessment of a whole (sub)culture. Real sexual exporers, it would seem, do not go to the midnight Rocky Horror show. And I hope that I do not accidentally walk into wherever those people go. Yick, the Clap.

Essay over. Now I go eat Indian food at favourite place! This party starting heat up! Hit face so hard with pleasure! So honorable.

tsao ni.

Murgh Burglar


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