Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Vaclav Havel declares redneck costume unfunny

Hey schoone's!

My brother's cat - pooba - lost its eye in an epic battle with a sith lord on Thanksgiving night. I now give thanks for my eyes. Thanks for the eyes. I assume that the phantom menace was a bird because the cat's cornea was inflicted with severe pokerage in with much cut-throughification. Poor little beast. Well, Pooba has had her fair share of mouse/bird souls on her kill record. Live by the claw, die by the claw. Only God can judge her now.

I haif an audition tomorrow for a touring production of Midsummer Night's Dream. It's a very strange occurence. The chair of my department, co-incidentally sharing the same surname with the chair of my old department, stopped me in one of the university's corridors and asked why I hadn't auditioned at the appropriate time. I explained that I had been swamped with work (pronounced 'woark') and that I had to painfully shed my performance gluttony in leiu of donning the steel-woollen robes of the academic researcher. She offered me the opportunity to do a cold-read of some of the play in her office. This is both surprising and flattering. When destiny tickles your gills, my friend you do not shy away.

CHECK CHECK 1,2,3! Hey you, are you able to reply to this blog of mine? Are you prompted to own your own blog account when you try to reply? Because I'm trying to amend that so's that anyone can respond to my posts. I feel like I'm in a frickin' bubble here...

Making chocolate "ice cream",
Cookie Puss

Monday, November 29, 2004

Tea and scones? I'll ready my pantry! Posted by Hello

Markre shares a titter with the Vagenius Posted by Hello

What? Unjust? Posted by Hello

Hot dog force-fed to bun

Thanksgiving has terminated.

That was a good feed. Thank you so much for having me, we'll have to do this again real soon. Hey-always a pleasure.

I ate indian food on Thanksgiving in defiance of tradition. Eat the Murgh not the Turkey. For the Murgh is a far more contemptible and delectible beast. Especially when every pore is saturated with sweet buttery tikka. The reverie. The horror.

Well it's back to school for round two of finals. Oh byorgie, where art thou? I suspect that the older I grow the less capable I become of doing a normal amount of work. Which pretty much necessitates me marrying into a royal family so's that I have no more obligados. Does Scotland have any single nobles? And can I cheat on my new spouse with my gilded DESTRUCTICON?

Will Smith stole my car's rims.

Um ok. So I was the designated driver for this guy's 22nd b-day on wednesday. Let me just reinforce the fact that clubbing is not fun if you're sober. Nor is it fun if you're in Pittsburgh. Nor is it fun if you're a rational human being who feels pity for those who are exploited, hoodwinked by society, or ignorant of that which lies beyond MTV. I saw a lot of dance-like rape out there on the floor. I also saw idiots acting like inmates dressed in ridiculously large dress-shirts. Hell is here on earth, and its entrance is on the dancefloor. This is an exaggeration.

My nephews/neices are cute.

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Current Blog absorbs Old Blog for archival reasons/nutrients

Online Journal Saves Aborted Chicken
[25 Oct 200401:18pm]
Hey animales,Isn't a Grade A egg just a chicken abortion? Was it ever fertilized? If not then I suppose it's just an ovary w/ a chalky shell, but if so then our farmers are orchestrating abortions at a stupendous scale! Propendous!I'm doing research on my hero, Alfred Jarry. Please to send us any special sources that come your way. We will find it en-light-en-ing.You can find booze that is cheaper than food if you know where to look.This is the dance, this is the dance, this is the dance that makes you shit your pants.Love me?Maricules
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[08 Oct 200410:31pm]
Yay for my good friend A'lien! She delivered response # 2 to my zombie prologue (posted about a month ago). And now, the sweet prize of more of the story shall be delivered!Go to my new BLOG for more:,Markres
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[30 Sep 200411:52am]
Hey men and women ages 18-26,You're gonna die. Well, everybody dies. But you're going to die early. Rumor is that in 2003 a bill was penned that if passed would re-instate the dreaded Draft. However, this new draft would include women and college students. Hey, I like the US, but I'm not gonna die in this new Vietnam. My ancestors didn't flee the Russian Revolution just to have their progeny mowed down in some sun-baked field. Fuck dying, mon ami. I am a coward and a villian most despise-ed. But so be it. Because in that sleep (of death) what dreams will come? Probably no dreams, because your brain is dead. Either that or hell. Because I am a sinner most despise-ed by Bog almighty. I'm thankful for the daily joys that I have been given by the maker of all things, and I'm not ready to give that up.Oh yeah. Read my zombie thing and give me some feedback.Now why don't you put your dress on and we'll go? Okay? Can we just do that please, Kathi? Pleeeeeeeeeeease!?!
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Tristan Tzara beats man with pipe
[28 Sep 200412:39am]
Hey brewtuses (tm),Ok. Only one of you cock-blasters responded to my stupid zombie prologue. I want feedback! Gimme gimme gimme! Even an "it sucks, cock-savage" would be sufficient. I was hoping to gradually present my whole novella on my blog, but if I don't get any feedback, what's the point j'know?Enough of that nonse. I'm in grad school now. ki-ya! *chop* I like it. It's kinda harder than undergrad, but whatevs. It beats Applebees. I'm reading Plato. What a weird world. Clever girl...So here's a poem that I wrote while reading Tom Stoppard's "Travesties" :"Your cunt will explode"An poemBy Mark SoloffBob's cunt will explode.When it does, I will die.Bob's cunt will explode when it does.Irritation enflames In my pink cockle’s eye.Bob's cunt will explode when it does.And the cinema rollsAnd the taco bell tollsAnd the jealous will sell us their rigmarole But dilated or cinchedin a tight little holeBob's cunt will explode when it does.
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[17 Sep 200411:49pm]
Hey pugilists,Well, it's Septembe 17th and I'm bored. I've spent the day working on my tribute to Rammstein song - "Das Assen Fuck Nacht" . I have it in rough form and hope to polish it as time goes by. In addition, I wrote one more page of my secret zombie novel. Speaking of zombies, behold!You are a Romero zombie. You are the shamblingundead of movie fame. You have no mind and nodrive, except to feast upon human flesh and goshopping. In other words, you're part of themob.What Kind of Zombie Are You?brought to you by QuizillaThis result comes as no surprise to me. George A. Romero is the lord of all things Zomb and I aspire to one day be one of his suXXess0Rz. Did I mention that I'm in the midst of OSU's orientation process right now? My first day of classes starts on wednesday. Woo. Oh well, it beats honest work.Hey, go to Conti's Pub and Club (on Busch Blvd) on Tuesday nights at 10pm to support me in my new improv troupe. I need it! So okay, here's my new idea - I will periodically print some of my zombie novel onto my blog, and youse guys can tell me what you think. All forms of criticism are welcome. Just don't steal it. I implore you.Ok, here-goes! Stagger Through the SunshineByMark SoloffPrologueFive weeks of cloudless rain ruined the earth. Saturating, penetrating, torrential rain. After the first week of synchronized global downpour, the populace of the Earth pleaded to their scientists for salvation. The byways of the world became charcoal rivers of silt. Percussive drops rang out like machine gun fire against the roofs of abandoned automobiles. The gondolas of Venice capsized in the powerful current. Newly homeless Parisians starved and suffered atop the Arc de Triumphe. Risen sewage and motor oil in the deluge brought rampant disease upon survivors in densely populated urban areas. The highest skyscrapers in Tokyo and New York became congested tenements for thousands. Media disruption left the earth’s population leaderless and afraid. The world’s leaders seemed to have disappeared from their seats of power. Speculators proclaimed that the rulers were either dead or secretly contained in private disaster shelters. In either event, only the members of the world’s militaries retained authority over the struggling masses. Some called it a sign from God. Others blamed Man’s disrespect for the natural world. Regardless of opinion, the torrent raged for five solid weeks across every patch of land and sea that clothed our world. Then, in an equally inexplicable fashion, the downpour stopped. Humanity breathed a collective sigh of relief. The night the rain stopped, even nonbelievers praised the name of God.Lulled to sleep by the tranquility of a rainless moon, Samoa awoke to a dawn of chaos. Rotting bodies of men and women sifted through flooded homes to murder the inhabitants. Insatiably, the monsters fed on the flesh of their fellow man. No words of reason, familial bond, or prior love could dissuade the cannibals from their onslaught. The few bite victims that escaped their attackers struggled in vain against the poison that coursed through their veins. All those who were bitten eventually succumbed to the living death.As the sun rose across the globe, so too did the dead. Screams lit up the corridors of sanctuaries from Nagasaki to Antioch. Disoriented and weakened by the flood, Humanity panicked. Most police and military forces destabilized as deserters scrambled to find asylum. Conventional tactics of war failed the remaining guardians of society. But just as hope seemed to be vanquished, night fell. And in the moon fall, the undead ceased their assault.I will make them eat the flesh of their sons and daughters, and they will eat one another’s flesh during the stress of the siege imposed on them by the enemies who seek their lives. [Jeremiah 19:9, New International]
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King Colon
[05 Sep 200407:06pm]
Long time nosey,Hey Odds-Bodkins,I've been out of touch in this here Blogre. I admit it. This was due in many ways to the utter demise of my old PC and the my utter incompetance in contacting an internet provider. Dial-up. Oh boy. I think I'll hop on the BBS and see if the SYSOP has made any new posts. Boy I hope he bans that kid who does all the macros...So yeah. I'm living in Ohio's capitol. I am stuck in a dingy area, but whatever. I'm still gloriously corpulent and I'm still doing improv comedy (with my new group Out of Our Heads ) . I'll be attending OSU later this month in an effort to pursue another meaningless theatre degree. I just watched Jim Henson's The Dark Crystal last night. Good fucking stuff mang. DESTRUCTICON is safely back at school and now she is the big grownup. Strange how time keeps on slippin' into the future. Ah well, there's nought to be done. Let us climb aboard the unstoppable barge and drink deep the briny sea air. Ok, I'm off to read books about zombies.TTYE (talk to you eventually),Mix Master Murgh
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Oh yeah, look at this.
[02 May 200402:15pm]
Which Historical Lunatic Are You?From the fecund loins of Rum and Monkey.
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The Final Day of the Humpster
[02 May 200402:14pm]
Well Net-heads this is it....Markre Alajandros Solovechik as a Burpee is soon to be no more. 24 hours from now I'll just be a mortal man again. So what do I do with this last day of Bowling-shirted anxiety? Write a research paper for Ibsen class of course. Guhcockle....I'm gonna miss the Burpees profoundly. It's been a part of who I am. My identity. And I've learned a ton about performing, stage presnece, creativity, cooperation, comedy, and motivation through working w/ the group. I wish them nothing but success in the future (especially in the next 8 hours!!!).I found an apartment in the city. So hopefully I'll set that shit up soon. Layer by layer the snake sheds its skin until it wakes one morning to find that it's larger than before. Yes, I am fat. I am a fat balding man. Are you happy now? Ingrates....Marty
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"Anti-theatre" Agogo
[29 Apr 200404:09am]
Hey Czars,I watched the 1 Act Play Festival pt. 3 again tonight. It seems like all 4 of the plays were tongue-in-cheek in some capacity. This was simultaneously refreshing and disquieting. I mean, doesn't anyone write plays that have realistic plots and a life-affirming message anymore? In all fairness, B. Kworth's did indeed have an uplifting ending. N E way, what the hell am I complaining about? I was lucky enough to have my silly little play read by actors for an audience. Maybe I've been reading too much Ibsen... Finals? What? I'm not doing that stuff. I'm busy savoring every morsel of Denison's atmosphere.I found an apartment today. I had the upperhand in negotiations until they told me that I should be employed and make 75% more money than they charge for rent. I'm like "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaht?" Have they heard of theatre? If so, they should know that there is no money to be found. Only piece of mind. Hey, I kinda wanna act in something again. Is that a Qrime?I wrote a lil' bit more of this new play about vikings tonight. It's gonna take some time. But my desktop background is a fjord, so that's a start. If anyone has any ideas they'd like to share, then lay em on me. I'm thinking enchanted seal-princess thusfar...And hey, what's the deal with jellyfish? They don't look like jelly. If your jelly has tenticles, it's time to invest in a new jar of smuckers.Gob less you.Kiss kiss,H.
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It is accomplished
[07 Apr 200402:38pm]
Hey Christburgers,Well well well. I did some stand-up comedy last night. Finally. I had been putting it off for 21 years and now, at long last, I've done it. The question is - what now? Do I continue? If so, where? How far am I willing to ride this wild horse? This bucking bronco. This leaping lizard. I liked it, but y'know I was a little disappointed that I didn't feel a huge rush of relief/joy when I got up there or got off the stage. Perhaps I've been jaded to the rush of performing by theatre and burpees. Or maybe the environment was too safe. In any event, it went well - but just well. I need more, precious. More! Perhaps I'm too ambisheeus. Well whatev... I'll be graduated in 4 weeks and all this business will slow down. And by that, I mean that the earth will freeze over.Freeze mothafucka!!!!Sincerly,Markvig
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No! We need his ass
[08 Mar 200410:02am]
Hello Mongorians,Best line in George Romero's Day of the Dead : We need his ass. Not a bad line, but the delivery is just terrabibble. I'm tired and kinda achy. I think I might have the walking mono - or zombiism as I like to call't.Well Wonderful Town is over. So I'm free now. W00t. I can breathe easy(er). Now just two more lil' acting projects to finish and then I can start living again. Lechiem!Yeah! Yeah! Winner fixes the Tranny!So okays, I'm going on spring break next week -yeehaw! Hey ho hey hey weh weh! You got to work it! You got to push it! Ein Svie Politzie!Okay. Right. Back to work. So I'm waiting for OSU to give me the grad school go-ahead and I keep putting off getting a real job until they tell me. It's bulllllll shit. I'm waiting to exhale for these bastids. Crustacean sucking no-necked academic mutants. I'll end them. And by that I mean wait patiently.Guhcockle.Ooh, that was amazing.BLASTOID
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The Milk's gone bad!
[26 Feb 200412:28pm]
Hey bitches,Our director just chewed out the lead of my play Wonderful Town (yes, I wrote it). It was harrowing. It's nice to see someone get truly bullied by a kindly authority figure once and awhile. Actually no it isn't.I wrote down in my notebook "Now, dear reader, we witness the ugliness of Theatre" And, indeed, the spectacle was uncomfortable. I believe that terror is a shitty last resort - in a just world there would be no correlation between frightening the actor and "results".I'm glad that it's not me who this lumbering musical juggernaut rests upon. I'm just a secondary character. BTW go see't: Feb 26,27, Mar 2-6.You ever feel like part child part ghost? That's how my senior year is. Part of me wishes he had graduated w/ the Bol-Corn contingent and the other part longs to be a junior for the rest of existence. Gorkle.Fuck projects. I'm swamped w/ them right now. the play, 2 film/theatre projects. It's A-diculous. I'm a 2nd semester senior, I don't wanna do Shit. Well whatever, in 6 months I'll be wishing that somebody knew who the fuck I was (am?). It's all lemon-face until you get out there in the grim meat-hook world of electric bills and actor-exploitation.Who wants to be an actor anyway? Not me! I'm gonna move into an unremarkable environment and live a thoroughly unremarkable life. Maybe I'll die of cardiac arrest from so much good eatin'! Fuck! Maybe I'll breed horses in the mountains. I'll play the accordian as a one-legged madman capers through a rotating maze that I've imprisionede him in! Borge.ERS: Ellipsoidal Reflector SpotlightFresnelFollowspotPar CanCyc LightStriplightBeam ProjectorMarkre
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Feeling antsy you fucking fool!
[04 Feb 200404:04pm]
Dammit! I hope that you all realize that if you graduate college you have to make something of yourself. That's the scary thing - life isn't going to just hand you a future. You have to carve it, through the stone and ice of your surroundings. You need to hunker down and push.You need to join the armed forces.Not me. You.Dammit. I fear for my future. I've got hives. My blood boils and I feel that I'm trapped in a box of iceworms. What the fuck am I going to do with my life? What if I turn out to be just another loser? Wouldn't that suck?Everyone has moments of doubt. And then we drink. And then we forget the doubt because some of the brain cells that were dedicated to doubting have been dissolved.My parents also play a role as well. I feel like since they paid my way through college, I owe them something. I should blossom into the product of 18 years of high-cost education. Fucking C-holes. I refuse to blossom. And by refuse I mean don't want to try.Goddamn. Everything's funny till you're staring down the barrel of what it means to be a grownup. Then my friend, the yoke is on you. You are the jackass with the bucket of syrup over your head and your contemporaries are the laughing party-goers. Fuck. I should've majored in Business.Things seemed simpler in WWII. You got married to your sweetheart, went off to war, shot at the "Jerries" then came home a hero and a man. Now things are far more slimy and the path is less clear. It's easier. No doubt there. And yet we're smarter now. We solve wars with the iron lance of the Abrams tank, not with GI's. Goddamn. What a petty concern. Well, that's what you get for tuning in. Stupid warrior poet. I feel unsettled and am now going to try to sleep it off. raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. shwa.
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[22 Jan 200407:45pm]

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Crystal cool with a souldrive mission
[22 Jan 200407:44pm]
Hey Oscilloscopes,Well I'm back at school to finish the final sword fight with the big red Hydra called higher education. I hope to slay the beast epic splendour and claim its fiercest head as my trophy. A graduation... It's strange, I find that now that my college career is at its end, I've come to appreciate my education on a new level. It was always felt like a burdensome endeavor in which I was forced to waste my precious time on assignments, essays, and of course rotting my anal-shield (butt) listening to lectures. But now I realize that after higher education ends, learning is left in our own hands! Scary shit. I watch the history channel from time to time, but other than that, I'd be an ignoramus if not for my elders imparting mandatory wisdom upon me. Now, if I don't go to grad-school, my learning will be entirely in my control. Which means that it will end b/c I am lazy. It's scary to realize that nothing will come to you in life unless you get off your tookus and do something. We craft our lives into what they will become. It's uber-obvious, but still hard to fathom. There is no "alien" to descend from the heavens and proclaim that you are the "last starfighter" and that you don't need a resume or knowledge of Microsoft Excel. You do! Oh you do! Damn. Dan-m.So other than that. I'm in a musical at Denison called "Wonderful Town." It is pretty cool considering that just about the entire THTR department is involved in this undertaking in some way. This could very well be my last mainstage show at Denison. refrain: Scary shit. Oh well. I guess I'll just have to grow up and create something wonderful that will make me rich/famous/wing-ed. oooooooh..... S'about all for now. Life is delicious. Go eat some for yourself.Markre de Sade
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Where's all the rum gone?
[04 Dec 200308:45pm]
Here's the funny thing about Pirates of the Caribbean - they seem to have left out the scene in which Johnny Depp vomits for about 4 hours after drinking rum all night. See, I lived that shit on monday night. I barely expended any judgement in my decimation of a face-sized bottle of Capt'n Morgan's spiced rum. It was prehuman. I was sloshred. I was a human stain. I'm just glad that I was among my friends in my reptile-like state and not within the stoney depths of New York. Not like that city has anything to do with rum. Rum is for island pirates. And me. But not so much anymore because it makes me vomit primordial soup all morning. It's funny how quick the week goes when you spend a whole day of it recoving from poison. Auditions are coming up for the big shows! Denison's Wonderful Town and Pittsburgh Irish & Classical Theatre's James Joyce's The Dead (which I was in last year at Denison). This next week is going to be an exciting and tense time for all involved, and for those uninvolved, it'll prove to be a pleasant show of viperous theatre cock-jabbing and imperious posturification. Great horn of Gibralter! clams clams clams squid!Lusciously,R.III
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Top a the morning to ya Guido
[17 Nov 200305:07pm]

Hey enlighteners,Well, the last week b/f Turkey Day break is coming. Soon I'll be traveling once again to NYC to visit my beloved Destructicon and I tell ya buddy it's not a moment too soon. As you may have inferred from my last entry, the month of November has been one of terrible doldrum and quiet loathing. But I'm feeling pretty good right about now. Perhaps it's the sun, or a change in perspective, or the opening of Room Service, but whatever the case, the future looks brighter.Here's the plan: I wrote a comic play about fops and the class struggle during the American Revolution. I'm gonna submit it to the 1 Acts, but if it doesn't get in, I want to present it to the student body as a "dramatic" reading. Any thespians out there in the Denison community interested in such a prospect? Thoughts? God bless Thanksgiving break and God bless Indian food.Godspeed,Pere Ubu
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Nearly everything is terrible
[08 Nov 200311:00pm]
Hey successors,Well it's 10:51pm on Saturday November 8th. I just saw Kill Bill. That movie ruined me. The terribleness of what happens to Uma Thurman in the beginning (the backstory to justify her endless revenge cycle) just devastated my soul. I hate injustice and horrors. Maybe I feel too much. I dunno, it really ruined my mood for the rest of the night. I am now tired and don't want to do anything but drink cheap wine. I don't even want to go to 40oz parties filled with strangers on the east quad that I was invited to for reasons beyond my comprehension.Here's the long and the short of it - I'm slipping. I don't want to do anything. I don't want to put any effort into my studies/projects/life upkeep. I'm thinking about cancelling an annual checkup at the doctor's because I just don't feel like it. Maybe it's the changing of the seasons. Too little sunlight is turning me into a swine. Pehaps it's too much exposure to the demanding and intimidating presence of Farris. Perhaps it's my blatant decline from both the Theatre and Burpees. I dunno. This is not well though. I have to pull out of this spiral. I intend to do so when my Destructicon returns. Sweet sunlight into the vacuous coffin that I now live in. Maybe I'm just being over-dramatic here, but I don't know. Things are weird now. Maybe I should blame my Russian blood. I don't know. I long for the days of Bolish and Liz and Esposito and people saying "Heeey!" to each other at parties. But above all, I miss my Destructicon. I suppose that without hardship there would be no goodness, but hardship sucks to endure. Especially psychological hardship. Goddamn it.Sorry so sloppy,Markre
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They peed under my toilet seat
[25 Oct 200309:13pm]
Okay. Now is the winter of our discontend (made glorious summer)But without the summer part. Okay, I'm drunk now. There's the disclaimer. It's alright though. It's perfectly legal. I am a 21 year old citizen of the United States. I have rights, bub. Man, rights. Who makes this stuff up? Y'know what I hate, Kent? I hate when people complain about how bad this country is. These Rage Against the Machine Liberal whiners who fail to recognize that the country that lets them say "Fuck Dubya" is one protecting that right. Blind wanna-be hippie bastards. Not like I know anything about politics. Not like I'm sober. Sobre. Perhaps that makes my opinion even more righteous though. Even I, who know absolutely nothing about the inner workings of our government, can see the hypocracy of collegiate neo-hippies who have nothing better to do than sound revolutionary with their cliched and narrow-minded governmental shit-talking. News flash: without this country's good-natured policies, your ancestors would probably have starved to death on the boat-ride back to Europe from the closed gates of Ellis Island. Mine would have. Most of us are guests in this country. My bloodline isn't American Indian or Pilgrim, so I fucking appreciate the rights that I have. Rights that my German, Russian, and Polish predecessors didn't. How about we stop whining about how unjust this country is and start thinking about all that it has given to us? If you don't want to depose dictators and modernize the middle-east by force, then how about this novel idea: become a senator. Change the politics of this country from the inside, not the innefectual grass-roots outside. I suppose that my anger here is a manifestation of my hatred for pretention. And I'm tired of people telling me how shitty the country that I've enjoyed for the past 21 years is. You know, the one that gives me my life, liberty, and persuit of happiness?But hey, I'm drunk. I don't really know anything about politics. I'm sure they're much more civilized in other countries. In all seriousness, I think that war is a terrible thing. I think that the untimely death of others, especially the young or helpless is immoral. However, I recognize that war is as ingrained in human history as love is. Perhaps they're filp-sides of the same coin... Why fight to the death over anything less than love? Anyway, I'm not trying to advocate the demolition of the middle east here. I'm just saying that riotous zealots should take a step back and consider all the good things about their homeland that they're so keen on putting down.Wow.So much for funny journal entries. Um.... Gollum impressions are funny? Precious? um. We hates it? Okay. They're not funny. But neither is Charlie Hauser. (that often)Sorry.Drunk.Okay, he is funny. That dick-fudge.THE endre
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Purple Mountains' Majesty
[24 Oct 200312:46pm]
Wow. S'been a while yoseph. Well, how're the kids? Non-existant? Well, that's a relief. You ol' dog...I slept through my history and voice class today for no apparent reason. Actually, that's a lie. I had another series of dreams which I felt it was important for me to follow to conclusion. I dreamt that I was eating at some Disney World type cafe with a disguised verision of Anthony Hopkins, Christopher Walken, and Jerry Seinfeld. They were trying to act like they weren't those guys, but I knew that they were. It was weird. I felt like I was an initiate into a special club of celebrities that I like. I was trying to be real funny so that Walken and Hopkins would like me, I forget whether I succeeded or not. Oh well, I better get back to the dayily routine of my loife.Oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi vey.Love,M

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The Water in All of Us
[06 Oct 200301:07am]

I was just lying on my bed memorizing lines for this play that I'm in.... I've been drinking a lot of water tonight as well. Well I started wiggling my legs around in the air and I noticed a weird tapping sound coming from under my sternum. I realized that I was making the water slosh around inside my body and the tapping was the water lapping against my innards. Pretty weird. To think that while we are these entities of contemplation and desire and belief, we're also just big bags of water. Slosh slosh slosh.
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She's a keeper
[24 Sep 200308:01pm]
Hey Googleplexes,Once again the crazy crazy days of evening rehearsals are upon me. I'm going to act in Jeff Smith's production of Talk Radio and I'm both thrilled and destroyed as I stand on this precipice. It is indeed a formidable task to memorize 60 some pages of script in just two weeks, but I really have no other choice at this point in time. The cast is great - good people who I like to work with and who aren't dicks. Is there much more that one can ask from co-workers in this business? I don't think so.I'm gonna eat Indian food tomorrow w/ a burpee that I know. It should be pretty groovy. I'm looking forward to it like the Pavlovian dog that I am. I love that shit.Hey, you ever feel nervous about your future career and stressed out by classes and projects and studying GRE exams and the prospect of selling your car before it shuts down on you entirely? Yeah, I feel that way sometimes too. But then I think on my Destructicon. And then my state, like to the lark at break of day arising from sullen earth, sings hymns at heaven's gate (the place, not the cult). It's wonderful to have someone wonderful to be there for you. If you all don't have a wonderful out there then I strongly suggest that you find one. SCHNELL!As I was spilling coffee on myself this afternoon, I yelled to myself "Oh, fuck me!" and then I thought "no, not fuck me fuck it!" So whenever adversity comes your way, turn not your eyes heaven-ward lamenting your fate at the Furies, but rather chalk it up to bad luck and proceed on without dwelling on the hardship. That's the way it should be. Says my epiphony. Kunslah-Roman,Flavius
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Like Venice but different!
[12 Sep 200312:53pm]
Hey Huns,Okay, so I recently purchased a ticket to NY for next weekend and I must admit that I am FRICKIN' psyched! Not that I particularly like NY or anything, but it's going to be wonderful to see my Destructicon again. I was thinking the other day, why can't we just have whatever we want? I mean, obviously we can't have like wings of gold to fly us to the heavens, but like the dreams that we have - success or happiness, why do we even doubt that we can have these things? Shouldn't we just push forward strongly and bravely until our goals are accomplished? Isn't winning in the game of life a long process? And if it is more of a journey, then it should not be fraught with doubt. It should be happily traversed. Anyway, I think the point is that one should not feel doubt or worry. One should feel excitement.Vroom,Maxwell Edison (Majoring in Medicine)
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Have we forgotten the genius of Zero Mostel so soon?
[10 Sep 200308:54pm]


The Prodigy
Guud Mornink Beatches,Desmond Hamlet hea. Not really. Just Markre. Surprise, surprise, suproz. So I've started taking tap dance classes, which my middle-eastern friend tells me are 75%-90% gay. I tried to explain to him that Gregory Heinz was both a cool heterosexual dude and a tap dancer, but my swarthy comerade told me that he was black so that adds intrinsic cool points that I do not possess. Oh well, tap dancing is less gay than ballet (which I'm also taking. *cough*). But is it really all about being gay? Whatever happened to just being a pussy? And there IS a difference, as any long-term prision tennant will tell you. Alright, so I take dance classes in an effort to someday have the ability to move my stumpy body gracefully. Is this wrong? A body is just like a robot that we live in that's made out of flesh, right? So why not take lessons on how to properly move the robot for the most efficient outcome? Do you know how many people are ignorant of their bodies in our world? LOTS. Fatties man, fatties. Poor posture. Whatever happened to walking with a noble carriage? Confounding your contemporaries with the fluidity of your gestures? We're like apes nowadays. Apathetic, disenchanted apes! Yaaaarg! In other news... My man-servant Jeffre is proposing a Theatre II production of Eric Bogosian's Talk Radio. If this project is okay'd by the powers-that-bee, then I'll be up to my arm-holes in lines to memorize and responsibilities. Which will be a nice departure from my current solitude and twisted existence. Behind every great man is a great woman, but when that woman is removed from the proximity it's easy to revert to the state of an uncouth beast. I've basically gollumized. Oh well. Who hasn't? I'm gonna buy a plane made of light and burn swift through the night.Shmool
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Newcomers and the Whooping Cough
[05 Sep 200312:58am]
Hey Nightshades,I had 3 cavaties filled today. It was an arduous experience to say the least. But perhaps more worse than that is the realization that my time here is finite. Not here on this planet (I'm planning on living fo-evah), but rather my time at college. "Sweet Jesus," I say to myself "I better enjoy this shit-sock while I still can!" So okay. I'll do that then. Not a bad plan in any respect.I met some young upstart freshmen tonight. Friends of my arch-nemisis. So I guess that that makes them lower-level enemies. Damn. He's bolstering his forces. I'll need to use all my ninja magic to get through this semester.I think that I gotta take the stinkin' GRE's. Damn grad school and all it's mind-numbing application procedures. Foe.Some gentleman of cultural diversity asked DT and I tonght if we were "straight." Not meaning "are you guys gay?" but rather "are you guys alright/sane?" I replied "We're straight as hell." And he corrected me saying "Straight as ho's hair." I guess that I must be pretty darn straight then. I guess it's a good thing that I'm hip to the "lingo" of today's youth culture. I can only hope to still be as hip when my kids are growing up.Goodnight my wild irish rose,Herman Hesse
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How to wither away in 115 days
[02 Sep 200310:55pm]


Propeller Heads
Hey Ganders,I've spent most of the day alone - which I've found is the dire fate of any senior who lives in a single. Most of my friends were upperclassmen and have been graduating (read: abandoning me) since my sophomore year. God knows where they could be now. Assholes. Needless to say, here on the west quad the dining hall is choked with freshmen the likes of whom I do not, nay, DO NOT know. I ate lunch and dinner alone tonight like a damn pariah. Fucking A. Time is a cruel mistress.My future looks bleak old man. Bleak. OSU is not accepting MFA graduate actors until 2006. It looks like I'm going to be condemned to doing non-equity bull-snit theatre for quite some time if I want to stay in the Columbus reigon (which I do). Perhaps, however, I'm just being bleak and sauced. This is merely the beginning of a long and interesting year in which I'm sure to learn a lot and learn a lot. Jesus, a noise in the hall just scared me.I miss my Destructicon. Can I say this? I do. Allatime. Those of you with your loved ones close-by (or even on a quad separate from yours), count yourselves lucky! We don't appreciate those we care about enough. Absence makes love grow sharper, presence makes it grow stronger. An ingenious Pill Bottle once told me that.Go see Urinetown when it comes touring through Columbus. It's a wonderful show and you should pay it homage. homage.Bigger and better,Wulfie
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Return of the Kingre
[31 Aug 200311:48pm]
Hello class of 2007,I've returned from my isolated hovel in New Philadelphia, Ohio to bring you joy and wisdom for the next nine months! I'm like a damn zygote here at Denison with only nine months left until I am born unto the world kicking and screaming. Och. I must say that I'm glad to be back. Doing outdoor drama all summer is almost as fun as separating siamese twin porcupines using only your tongue. Almost.Classes start tomorrow. Beh. Work work work. That's what I predict. Oh well, the industriousness keeps us from contemplating the monsterous realities of the universe. At least this year I have air conditioning - bling.Destructicon has gone away for the semester and I must admit that her absence will be profoundly felt by me in every aspect of my Denison experience this fall. I've come to realize that it's not what you accomplish in this life that really matters, but who you're with throughout your days. Even rulers are unhappy if they don't have love. I mean govenmental rulers, not the school supply ones. Those ones can't even love... Made out of wood.The campus has changed. Finally it's starting to look like a college. Just in time for me to leave... Those A-holes. Anyway, I grow impatient with consciousness and I have a "big day of classes" ahead of me tomorrow, so I'm off to my box of hay for some shuteye. You'ld better be Goddamn sure that I'm going to post more journal entries this year, so stay tuned if you're so inclined. Or don't. You psychopath. Stop stalking me.Savagely Yours,Randall of Green
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Quizzes = silly
[06 May 200308:53pm]
You Have the Power to Turn Things to Stone!What's Your Magic Power?brought to you by Quizilla
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The Domination of Life
[06 May 200303:44pm]
Hey cheeseburgers,Finally, I've finished my final final. Rubble rubble. It's not so much an awesome wave of joy or relief as a gradual tickle of realization that my work is over. I have new responsibilities looming on the horizon in the form of outdoor drama, but for now I'm pretty happy to sleep until 4pm and consume 10 centilitres of cookies (ok, maybe more). No noticable behavioral differences.Many of my friends are now gone back to their respective holes in the earth, I didn't have the motivation to say goodbye to them. But that's okay because saying goodbye to your college friends is a two way street and I think that they'll understand that I've been busy w/ finals. I wrote a 12 page paper for 9 hours yesterday - it was intense.I've been thinking about projects for next schoolyear. Perhaps I'll direct a short puppet play that Alfred Jarry wrote. I've also been thinking about the future. I'm a goddamn senior now. That's some scary tit right there mon ami. I've been considering grad school b/c I have absolutely no idea what to do about life outside academia. Perhaps going to grad school is just an act of prolonging my sheltered life though. Perhaps it's time to be thrust into the cold world and learn how to swim on my own. Last night my neighbor got hammered and passed out with his rammen noodles boiling on his oven range. This of course eventually started burning and smoking and set of the fire alarm at 5:30 in the morning! So I busted in there (walked through the open door) and shook him to try to get him to take care of his fire-hazard. He was incapable of movement so I had to put out his smoking noodles in his sink and open his windows for him. It was downright quasi-heroic. Please, hold your applause.It's a beautiful day out. Let's go.M
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You're crazy! You're crazy!
[04 May 200312:01am]
I've been drinking coffee all day.It's nuts.I've been trying to work on my prompt book for directing class, but that is similarly nuts.I've been sitting in a chair like the whole damn day.Lucious McGoociousI'd really like to get some sloppy wet pizza but I think that my amigos are probably not gonna be up for it at this late hour.I think my throat is rejecting the coffeeIt's nuts.I read a journal entry from this Alan Cumming fansite. Fans of actors are goddamn maniacs. I'm deathly afraid of these people. And Alan Cumming's a comparatively unknown actor. I feel sorry for Jennifer Garner. Mabye she should move to China to learn Jingju. That's what I'm gonna do when I get uncomfortably famous. Ha!I'm madly in love w/ the Destructicon. Can I express the inherent joy in this phenomenon? God must have forgot about all of the hating that I do. Yup (in a Charlie Hauser voice)They used to call me the Amazing Nightcrawler.
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Fine. I'll make the coffee.
[24 Apr 200303:52pm]
Hey Altoids,I don't know what I've been told. You never slow down you never grow old.Just because I left Martha's Vineyard a month ago doesn't mean that I don't still have a piece of it inside of me. And no I don't mean a fuzzy memory. I mean A FUCKING PARASITIC BEETLE!!! I've had this little black scab on my leg for the past month and it hasn't gone away. It looks like the ass of some smarmy weevle who's successfully burrowed into my tender man-flesh and is happily draining me of my juices. He's probably shitting inside me too. That fucking coward...So what does that matter to you, Markre? I'll tell you! I became suddenly exhaused and ill today after lunch. Painful glands, runny sneezy-nose, and overwhelming weighty need to lay down. Why was I stricken with this debilitating illness? BECAUSE OF LIL' CHIGGER! THE WORLD'S SMALLEST OHIO-PHILE. It's weird to think that if this is indeed a parasitic beastie in my leg, that it was up there on stage with me for Taming of the Shrew. This little bitch made his world premiere on stage and didn't even have to audition.I am a lucrative businessman.Go boil your head,Moosemunch.
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The End of the Thunder Lizards
[22 Apr 200312:45am]
Hey Wraiths,The school year is grinding to a halt with a profound display of sparks and rust flakes. It will be good to cease the charade of being a student for a few months, but I must concede: I'll miss this place. I've made some good new friends who'll be flying away indefinitely to various sections of the bi-coastal reigons. With the unstoppable exodus of the seniors I feel a kernel of fear rooting itself inside me. Soon I will be a senior - and you know what that means! A measley ten months of undergrad education until I am thrust into the icy seas of rent, taxes, insurance, night-shifts, and worst of all maturity. Oh well, it beats the alternative...I am saddened by all my friends who'll be going away (can I be more repetitive?). My Destructicon will be gone for months and this wrinkles my heart with sadness. I wish that finals didn't exist so that I could spend these precious two weeks with my friends, but hey it wouldn't be higher education if they let you do what you wanted.... Sweeney Todd.Sorry to sound bitter here. Things in life are actually going very well. Everyone's still alive and unmaimed. It's been a good season and I have a summer job lined up. The trees are blossoming and I appreciate them now in a way that I never have before. Sometimes one can forget in the stress of life that peace is everwhere, you just have to look through the right goggles.I was thinking about writing an Ogre play...Thanks for your time.Ta,M.
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Holy shit, bitch!
[11 Apr 200306:22pm]
Andronici,Wow. I've recieved a few angrily charged comments to my last journal entry. I appreciate the variety in opinions, but I insist that anyone who wants to write a slanderous retort to myself or the people who respond to my entries be brave enough to identifiy themself. Throwing insults out there is all good fun and everything, but don't be a chode and hide behind an anonymous moniker. You fucking chode. In other news, the Chinese play is finally opening! I'll be in The Taming of the Shrew for the next week or so. It should be pretty ridiculous (in a good way), so if you get the chance, stop on by and see it. Or maybe you should just have a few drinks like I'd be doing if I weren't in this show. Hey.... That sounds like a pretty good idea there. Pizza rules. I wish I was eating it right now. I'd like to eat it on stage. If you wanna do good for me and mine, drop off some coupons for pizza under my door. I'll make it worth your while (by eating the discount pizzas). I might get naked as well - but that's just because clothes can be restrictive to my consumption of pizza. Take a picture of yourself and tape it to a Taming of the Shrew poster. It'll help me track you down.Truckers on the interstate have been known to ride the rails.Markre
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My futuro
[09 Apr 200312:54am]
Hey golems,Ok. Been doing some thinking. I think that I should not try to be an actor anymore. See, what I like doing is sitting around, eating fatty Indian food, being a wise-ass, and writing creative stuff. In short, learning to work out, sing, and dance well are all things that feel burdensome to me. If I don't enjoy doing that then why should I work everyday of my life to keep it up? Shouldn't I find a job that let's me be a lazy-ass and occassionally show off? Like a politician or something? Nah. I'm thinking that the life of the playwright and weekend improv comedian is the life for me. Comments? Concerns? Fleas?
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Long time no Beeee
[01 Apr 200312:20am]
Hey Barbers,I haven't written in the journal for a few reasiones: 1) I've been busy, 2) The novelty of an online journal has worn out, 3) I've rediscovered computer games (Lord have mercy on my soul).I'm very happy now b/c of a certain young lady that is kindhearted enough to squander her time in my company. The winter of my discontent is now melting away. So okay, in current events - the US is at war and that makes me sad but not that sad. Killing people is fucking horrible, but as usual it's better them than us. I mean if Saddam is indeed building up an arsenal for fucking up his friends and neighbors, I'd rather we depose him before he causes a war. I know, I know we are causing a war. But at least the US is bleeding heart enough to not shoot surrendering soldiers and to distribute food to surviving civilians. Anyway, it's all a mess, but if it prevents us from getting Anthraxed then I'm okay with it.In happier news I've got a summer job doing some crazy-ass Outdoor Indian-type drama. I'll be like a crazy Cherokee or some cruel white settler or something. It'll be a hoot.I'm obsessed w/ getting a production of Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street produced at Denison next year. We're scheduled to do Oaklahoma!. For crying out loud, Oaklahoma!? What ever happened to Denison Theatre Department's elitist attitude toward musicals? Shouldn't we be doing something with some power? Some poignancy? Maybe we don't have the voices to cast the play naysayers will propose, well I must retort - Did we have an opera singer for The Dead? Do we have authentic Chinese Jingju actors for Taming of the Shrew? No! The glory of college theatre is that you don't have professionals to do the job. You have young hopefuls who will work their asses off to improve (or at least to not make fools of themselves in front of their professors and peers). Anyway... I do not have the resources to direct Sweeney Todd as a Theatre II project and I don't think that the faculty will change their minds just because I'm vehemently for it. Bur....Enjoy yourselves, Fools.
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Sometimes we destroy people
[18 Mar 200312:22am]
Hey Old-Souls,Okay, lots has happened since last I scribbled upon the ol' electronic papyrus. 1) I went to Martha's Vineyard (are you surprised? If so, you probably don't go to Denison b/c everyone at Denison already knows about my snooty spring break)While there I watched the fucking Ring which has been terrifying me out of sleep for the past 4 nights (it's night 7 tonight though, so if I don't get killed by monsters then I anticipate getting over it really quickly).Following David Tyler's unrelenting intelligence, I jumped in the Atlantic Ocean up there in New England. I froze my frickin' cojones off mang. Then I nearly put myself into shock by stupidly resting in a bath of hot water about 10 minutes afterward. Who knew?After being awake for 26 hours and told that I'd have to dust and do dishes before getting to go to sleep I will threaten to slit the throats of everyone.I learned that while the Rocky Horror Picture Show is neither rocky nor horrifying, Tim Curry is the bravest sissy in England to take the lead in that movie. I like curried food, so he's got that going for him.I became enchanted by a certain beatiful, facially expressive creature from the `80's (and no, it's not Mattel's The Boglin). 2) I cut my ties with a certain friend of mine. It was rough and undeniably unpleasant but it had to be done to preserve the honesty of my life. Here's the flipside of the coin kids - adults told you to be honest as a little child, but if your honesty hurts the feelings of others then you become an asshole. Somehow I'd rather be an asshole than a liar though.3) The whether's flarkin beautiful. I feel renewed and alive.4) I'm negotiating getting a part as a chorus member in one of those summer-stock ampitheatre Indian-dramas that Ohio is permeated by. So, it's nice that I'll have something to do this summer (even if it is in sheep-floop Ohio).5) I tried on my make-up for Taming of the Shrew tonight. I was skeptical when putting it on, but on stage it looks FUCKING AWESOME! I'm really excited about this play now. Finally!All in all. I feel good. Things seem to be going really well in my life. Now I just hope that I'm not incinerated in a nuclear winter after Saddam attacks our nation in 48 hours. God damnit.
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The Hibernation
[05 Mar 200311:55am]
Hey Louvres,I tried to go to bed at 10:30 last night. Why you ask? Well, I'll tell you --- there's something wrong w/ me. I keep thinking that I need to get my tonsils removed but that's probably an innacurate diagnosis. At any rate, I just don't feel right nowadays. I need to get off of this hill (or bottom thereof) and flee to the sweet island paradise of Martha's Vineyard. I had strange dreams. I awoke at 11am this morning in mild terror after dreaming that a nuclear mushroom cloud was rapidly sweeping through the streets of my hometown and toward our home. It was grey and incredibly powerful like the tornados in Twister. There are just some dreams that you have to eject from, this was one of those.Anyway, I only have 3 more classes b/f I get to fly (drive) away. I eagerly anticipate the freedom. Let's hope for good weather! Fleurp! fleurp! blehp!To the rescue, ah!, here I am!Marcus
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Artistic Movement
[02 Mar 200302:11pm]
Feelers,They called the success of the Abbey Theatre coupled with the innovations in drama (courtesy of W.B. Yeats, Lady Gregory, and John Synge) the Irish Renaissance. According to Dr. Mark Bryan, the creation of Romantic drama was just a collection of angry young educated men who decided to write plays. I feel that here at Denison we have enough opinion, imagination and moxy to start our own artistic movement. Therefore I'd like to make a call to arms to any playwrights/designers/actors who read this to begin generating work.A common aesthetic goal would seem to be an appropriate factor to unify the plays into one specific category of artistic movement, therefore I propose that the work generated be based on an audience-conscious sentiment. Plays that are intended to delight and amaze. I'm tired of the pompous, disjointed, lyric drama that new playwrights think is all the rage. There is no perfect art, it is created by mankind and therefore it should not be taken too seriously - afterall don't playwrights stub their toes and fart just like anybody else?Anyway, if we got this thing going we could have a reading of a new play every month and perhaps perform them next year as theatre II's or just in the bandersnatch. With all the directors coming out of Rob's class this year, there'll be a surpluss for next semester. So okay. I don't know where that came from. I've been reading too much about W.B. Yeats, that pompous cock-mouse.La Roche
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Sometimes we take the test.
[28 Feb 200301:47pm]
You're A Bishounen (Attractive Young Male)!You hunk, you. All the girls want your body! Youhave a cool car, and a way with words. Youknow exactly how to get what you want.What Type Of Anime Character Are You?brought to you by Quizilla
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Hyde Reigns
[28 Feb 200303:33am]
Hey Prey,So tonight was my first Burpee's in weeks (I've missed about 3-4 now because of various theatre conflicts). It was a good show. It was a dirty show. Those north quad pussies were not expecting us to do an "unplugged" show filled with curses and on-stage deaths, but we slapped them in the face with it like a giant grey hallibut.I set off to ascend the hill at about 9:45 tonight hopped up on coffee and diet pills - I discovered that while diet pills don't actually melt away fat, they DO turn one into a terrible beast pulsing with unholy strength. Needless to say, I kicked Fists McD in the kidney. I appologized. My car was freed from its icy stasis in North Quadrangle's parking lot as I coerced the whole improv troupe to push it out of its spot. Glorious. I was enthralled with the renewed ability to drive. I even drove home tonight. Drive!I took a midterm and turned in a mid-termlike essay today. I feel as though a burden has been temporarily halted (not lifted, just slowed in its relentless course toward my destruction). So yay for that. The possibilities are out there. Do you dare to breathe life into them?
Hello Gremlins,Denison's Fullbright scholar in residence (Tracy Chungh) is my fucking hero. She's the greatest person ever inserted into this grey slush of an existence. If I was in a foreign country trying to teach non-English speakers to act in western realism to put up a show in 4 weeks I would be shitting not only my own pants, but also theirs. Tracy, however, does it with unparalleled confidence and amiability. Anyway, if you've never met her, you should. And get her autograph for me!I'm now eating the last of Mark Bryan's delicious leftovers. It's glorious. Everyone on earth must ask him for his recipe for shepherd's pie. Dear jesus. Speaking of food, does anyone like Indian food? I'm toying w/ the idea of creating an Indian food group of badasses who'll go out to eat Indian once a week on a certain day. Sort of like an officer's club for gluttons. Anyway, marinate on that for awhile ya'herrrd? God bless your toxic ass.
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Lion Dog: You fell. Should you blame yourself, or the donkey?
[25 Feb 200312:58am]
Ain't that the fuckin' question? Damn, my digestive system has been destroyed all day. I blame Mark Bryan's sumptuous Vegetarian-Irish food. Which reminds me, I should eat the leftovers that I selfishly filched from his place (per his request of course).Well James Joyce's The Dead is over. Nail in the coffin. Do not pass go. Tie the shoe. Retract the claw. I'm going to miss my close-knit cast mates. The chemistry in this play (at least w/ the actors that I had dialogue with) was truly a blessing (not like I know what constitutes an official blessing).The Dead's cast party was voluptuous. I enjoyed myself - I got to scream songs until I was hoarse (as the proverbial crow), drinka de booze, and even work on developing my public solitude skills (Rob's students - do ya get it?) My bro was in, so I put him up for the night on my well-furnished floor. All in all it was a great time.Q: Do you feel guilty for your sins, Mark? A: No. Fuck off. *impishly scampers off U.L.* So the wheel turns and I find myself staring down the barrel of Taming of the Shrew - Peking Opera style. I think that it's going to be incredibly fun. Fuck that Stanislavski aggravation, this stuff is straight up funny-faces and timed-gestures. Wonderouse. I look forward to kicking THE CRIMSON AVENGER's (name altered to protect the innocent) ass on stage every night. Apparently I get to do some Jingju stage fight with that rogue Tarik as well - so glory be, the funk's on me.I ate Taco Bell w/ DESTRUCTICON tonight. Good stuff. Apparently they have "quesedias" all the time now, so if they tell you "Oh no, we don't make those anymore" don't trust `em. Fucking lying fucks. I own they ass. That's all the juice I feel like dripping your way tonight. I have a paper to work on and a brain tumor to nurture. Maybe I'll have some wodka to accompany my research... Grundle
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Everyone's Favorite Enemy
[20 Feb 200301:02am]
Hello directors,Ok. Everyone needs to stop being catty theatre-types and needs to start being Bohemian Revolutionaries like Toulouse-Lautrec (from Moulin Rouge, not actually like the real guy). I'm tired of people being sarcastic and cynical. Biting humor? Put-downs? Who needs them? What happened to the spirit of innocent celebration? My life now is too much like a comedy of manners and not enough like Animal House. So, ok... Easier typed than done. I blame high school.Anybody have any ecstacy?
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Today is National Compromise Day
[17 Feb 200310:39am]
Hey Zhivago,Well, it looks more like the Siberian Plateau than Granville, Ohio today. The streets, however, seem to be uneffected - as does my obligation to attend class today. Oh well, I only have one 2 hour boring piece of shit class today.I woke up extraordinarily early. Twas A-diculous. I caught up a little bit on my reading for class though. So that's nice I suppose. I also watched The Mouse Trap on TBS. Nathan Lane + Chrisopher Walken = surefire cinematic genius. Noij. Did I just type that?Tonight's the big Taming of the Shrew/JINGJU!!! audition. So that's pretty oriental.Last night I was hanging out w/ some peeps when a gang of houligans came to throw Fists McDonald in the snow - because it became technically his birthday. It was pretty entertaining to see these sword-wielding fiends toss about that old lanky. We deduced (through false information) that Denison's classes were cancelled. We deduced wrong.Okay. It's time for my acoustic-jam directing homework. God bless you.
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The sun never shines on closed doors
[16 Feb 200312:24pm]
Good morning wraiths,It's 12:22pm, I just got up. Snow is ceaselessly falling upon our campus and I am okay with that.All of you should listen to Cornelius - he's a musician and my father - not really the second so much as the first. Well okay, I guess I'll get back to work now eh? eh?Damn, this one was lame.
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Korn Ruulz
[14 Feb 200311:24am]
Hey Ibanez,It's Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day is a special time to spend in quiet solitude avoiding large crowds of amorous "bravos." Valentine's Day is when we ask God for forgiveness and patiently await the arrival of Jesus. Saint Valentine once said "Leave me alone, motherfucker."Just kidding, have a good day y'alls!Lindsay, I miss you!
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Tasteful Nudity
[12 Feb 200302:57am]
Hey Jackalope,I just spent a few hours drinking port and talking with the DESTRUCTICON. Good times. It was determined that I am indeed an imp. Possibly on mischief bent... I feel that were it not for the imps, this world would be plagued by too many saints and devils. The imp adds the classic flavor of each category with half the calories. So yes. Port = Ambrosia of the Gods. Mmmm. Makes me smile with corpulent satisfaction. But no though. Skirting the edge between good and bad, serious and ludicrous, genius and dullard is by far the best way to be. Anyone who is too much of one thing becomes monotonous (lots of o's in monotonous).The wind is keening tonight with the terrifying harmonics of the undead. Times like this I wish that my room was higher from the street level. Zombies, my dear boy, will try to enter my windows first. Oh well... It is not unfair for me to be devoured by the lifeless. Best to march forward maturely I suppose.Goodnight you shiny ball.
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You're not the boss of me!
[11 Feb 200304:48pm]
Hey Signficant Others,If you could tell a big crowd of people one thing, what would you tell them? What message would you convey? Me? I'd tell them that nachos rule. I mean, they're sort of a metaphor for utopia: a warm diverse collection of separate talents coming together to create a whole that is enjoyed by all. And of course, inevitably consumed by a giant gaping maw.
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Rotarians Save World
[10 Feb 200312:45pm]
Hello Dave Matthewses: Cinnamon Crispix is the best. Why? I'll tell ya. It can FUCKING BLIND YOUR ENEMIES! Okay, that's innacurate. But it tastes okay. Tastes better than a spoonful of corpse at anyrate.So last night I was drunkenly walking w/ this girl (name has been changed to protect the innocent) named DESTRUCTICON. So there we are walking to Sunset to watch some quality cartoons on a television machine. And we're walking right? And she has a plastic cup of diet cherry coke dangling in her hand. So in my drunken thirst for adventure, I slap it out of her hand. Okay, in print it looks like an asshole thing to do - but at the time it seemed to have the potential to generate the life-enriching experience of doing something new. Needless to say, this wasteful act was unwelcomed by DESTRUCTICON. She got mad and punched my arm. Not hard, I mean I cried a little, but not too that much. Okay I didn't cry. Shut up, I didn't.At any rate. I appologized for ruining her drink with the standard issued "I'm sorry." She retorted, however, with "No you're not." Which leads me to wonder about the nature of being sorry. If we do things with good intentions that are misinterpereted (like if I punched gramma in the face while trying to pass the salt at the dinner table) our "sorry" is pretty much demanded to be forgiven by social decorum. If the victim (gramma) doesn't accept the appology, then the victim becomes the asshole.However, if we appologize after do things that were motivated by impish mischeif, then it's okay for the victim to not accept the appology! So what is "sorry?" Is it the desire to not get in trouble? Is it the need for the dynamic between you and your wronged friend to be a passive one again? Is it an expression of the guilt and self-loathing that accompanies hurting the feelings of others?Kool Aid and Gin = A Velvet Crush
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Erase the Self
[09 Feb 200309:59pm]
Hey lovers. Time: 9:49PMDay: The Lord'sStatus: 3 shots of Popov down, approx 3.5 to go.Why? : I'll tell you, son. We drink in order to escape from the bothersome everyday nuisances that plague us. More importantly, we drink to escape the Self. See, after enough intoxicant has permeated the human mind, we all become virtually the same creature.... A blithering mass of flesh functioning on the most basic levels. Intense inebriation allows for a universal connection to one's fellow man. Okay, maybe it doesn't. Screw off.We drink because it's fun. It's fun to ignore the responsibilities of life. It's fun to act with reckless abandon and chalk up your heinous drunken deeds to being "hella wasted, bro." And in a world that (in my objective opinion) is sorely lacking in freewheeling uninhibited spirit we must cling to whatever sets us free from being lame. Lame-ass bish...
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[09 Feb 200312:18pm]
Hygene. Hyralph.Golden Axe.Cue to cue technical rehearsal for James Joyce's The Dead today. God bless such things. TIme consuming. Nyum nyum nyum. Don't be silly, you.
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Radical Sauce
[09 Feb 200312:03pm]

Hey Gorta. You're currently witnessing my online journal. Wow. I mean holy dubbins. This is big, really really big. You can expect to recieve some humorous musings and whatnot from this JOURNAL in the future. So stay tuned for that. Oh my God, I'm so fat....

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Cat plays on sympathies for drug money


I gave my hat to a cat.

I did.

It was weird, I don't normally wear a hat. Nor do I normally spot a homeless cat. But there is one. I know he is (homeless) because this is the second night I've seen him inhabiting a shrub near OSU's stadium.

It was cold as I walked past the stadium up to the library. The lil' critter darted back into the shrubs as I passed them. This did not alarm me. It did, however, plant the seed of imagination that perhaps I should take this cat in. Become a father to it. I went on to the library and did my doing.

On the way back, I found the furry quadripod sleeping on a cold stone outside the perimeter of the shrub. I crept toward the beastie to attempt an insta-friending. He would have none of't. He retreated into his foliage and I remained crouched for a few minutes in the hope that my persistance would win him over. Nope.

Defeated, I decided to slip my still-warm hat into the cat's lair. I hope that the creature will use it for bedding. It is far superior to the cold slab.

Funk's Giving,
Julius Caesar

The clamming of a nation


I'm in the process of convincing myself that collages are awesome. I know you want to judge me as an effeminate old lady (redundance), but hear me out. The collage as Art utilizes legitimate "photorealistic" images in a genuinely artistic creative arrangement to build a new image that is neither created solely by the artist nor the original photographer. It is a collaboration. It is the theatre of visual art. Not like I know anything about visual art.

After I've drunk like 5 beers, I acquire an aftertaste of the beer in some undisclosed sponge that lives in my throat. Beer has an aftertaste, I know this, but the more I drink the more my perspective on the aftertaste changes. It becomes a poisonous flavor. A vile reminder that I could be speaking articulately if I had not imbibed. Not like I speak articulately anyway.

My bro came to town to see me in Measure for Measure he like't. Awesome. It was nice to get to hang out w/ a supportive piece of family and by comparison realize that I am leading quite a different life from my kin. Well, not that different, just a different focus. I mean it's not like I kill hookers or anything. Hmmm....

The end of the quarter is upon me. This is the time to stand and deliver. Rise up from the dogpile and kick the ball straight through a stained-glass window. Let's make some noij. Um. Noise. Let's make some noise.


Rob's Ombie

Monday, November 15, 2004

Horse with No Name Kills Man with No Fear


Sometimes we drink too many "relaxative" beers to effectively do our master's level schoolwork. In these dusky times, we sink deeper into the chair, slouch a bit further, and remember blonde orviraptors with names like Clint, who we framed unjustly as an afficianado of Madonna's "Die Another Day". Ah, times.

Two soldiers in sandy fatigues were engaging in casual discourse in the lobby of OSU's library tonight. One of them was talking about forcing some guy to lick his own asshole. I couldn't tell if it was rhetorical or in earnest. I would have asked the man, but I did not for fear of seeming unpatriotic. I'm not unpatriotic, I'm unpolitical. Let the rulers do their thing, I have useless tidbits of minutae to observe and categorize for no implicit purpose. No time for the fruitless beating of the breast at issues that no one can understand or reverse.

Enough of the soap box. I will write an autobiographical graphic novel called "Count Stumpula". It will be translated into Czech and sold rampantly at America's next Metaphor and Irony exhibition. Everyone will pass the bread, but only the longest of arms will have a chance to crumble a ball out of the loaf for their own nourishment. The smallies will sniff up their faces in defeat. And a grand jig will be executed by the Shaker of Earths, which will vaticanize all urban areas. Mayors will turn Pontiff, and all gangstas will be outfitted with the crimson robes and outstretched hat of the Inquisitorial Guard. Well then, net-heads, this will separate the Men from the N'men and our new currency will be Love. In the most tactile sense. Hide your daughters from this day. Freeze them in special bags in the basement.

Then give me the keys to the cooler, because you can trust me. I am, afterall, the one who gave you such good advyce.


Thursday, November 11, 2004

Fight with a Bear

It was early Thursday morning. 2:20am to be more specific. I slid out of an office building, the bowels of which holds a faux-English pub - The Rose and Thistle. My compatriots were addled by strong drink, but my thoughts were clear. I was prepared to drive the enclave to whatever late night purveyor of beef would house our loosened bodies for the duration of an unnecessary meal.

A crying girl retreated across the parking lot. Her sharp moans of "oh God" left a trail to the skinny pup left behind to exercise his chivalry upon some drunken lout. The drunk staggered and swayed like a leather-clad kite. His pronated brow and inability to focus sent the all-to-clear message that this gentleman did not venture out to this particular parking lot just to talk. My drunken revellers were lost in sublimnity, but I percieved the charge thickening the air. The time for words was swiftly ending and soon the slender boy would be conversing in only global language extant: the language of beasts. My mind's iPod sung the songs of thumps and scuffles. A tune whose sole purpose is to arouse the adrenaline, stiffen the sinews, and jitter the skin.

Well something had to be done. I walked between the opposing parties and spouted something vaguely diplomatic. "No dogs here," or something along those lines. My reasoning was to neutralize these living ions with my saturate impartiality. But the drunk took flight. More like a swooping swagger actually. He loped back in the direction of the unhappy woman. By this point in time a large associate of mine had taken a supporting postion (or shall I say imposition) near a teal Pontiac. The Stage Manager, sauced and righteously commanding, threw herself into action by taking off her shoes and demanding that the "drunk asshole" go home. So much for diplomacy.

We stood in a hunting circle around the belligerent business major. A palpable waft of paranoia excreted from the man, like a razorback trapped by the Aborigines. Suddenly, the Roomate of the Drunk took his side and cooed him in the direction of their car. The web had become more complicated by this addition. The Stage Mangager, realizing that she knew the Roomate, quickly laughed off an appology and dismissed her previous fury. The Drunk would not forget, and he would had none of it. He teetered briefly, smouldering in silence. The hunting circle began to dispurse and my large associate mumbled a suggestion for the leather waste to get some sleep. "Fuck you," was the villain's all-to-familiar response. This gave my large friend pause. A new gauntlet had been thrown.

For the second time in five minutes, I stepped in between the soon-to-be combatants. "Let's go home friends," a butterfly that lived in my molars offered the rivals. "I can take off my coat," the Drunk threatened (although, upon reflection I suppose the threat lives entirely in the subtext). My large friend remained rigid, poised. I maintained my position in the probable path of the fists, this irritated the swine. He turned his baleful gaze from my stronger companion to my own person. Something in the dull, loose face of the man, the wronged eyes, arose the fury from within my soul. I felt the unspoken challenge. The masculine programming, unwittingly hardwired into the soul of every cock-carrier who walks the earth. I felt the urge to throw down.

Fortunately for my face, I was sober. The Drunk and I stared unblinkingly at each other for an octet of frosty seconds, and then I turned and walked back to my drunken group.

Mundane, but true.

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Aristotle sucks cock

Have you ever considered that we like a certain movie or novel or play not because we honestly chose to like it, but rather because we are pre-programmed to like it by our culture?

For instance, when the hero experiences a revelation (i.e. Momento, American Psycho, Empire Strikes Back) we feel a certain pleasure in the discovery or a smug justified sensation that we saw it coming before the hero did.

So whatss? Here's whatss: I believe that we have been brain-washed to accept Aristotelian drama as the best kind. True, most of the stuff that we see in film today is Melodrama (Tragicomedy): A story about a hero who experiences hardships but comes out happily in the end - Kill Bill, Die Hard, Shaun of the Dead, Rocky Horror Picture Show, etc... And we moan that there should be some good movies out there. Like one where the hero doesn't win. What a new idea! Oedipus dude, Oedipus.

Conclusion: We're steeped in Tragicomedy as our entertainment. We crave Tragedy. And we crave it because everybody listened to Aristotle throughout history. If we had listened to Plato, there would be no more television, film, theatre, and we'd be ruled by Philosopher Kings.

Orca fucked with rake. Film at eleven.

sorry. forget that you read this idle speculation. crustacean. squish it. Squish iiiiiiit!


Felix G'Cockle

Monday, November 08, 2004

Ajax, son of Telamon. He was one Hell of a Mon.

Reverend Crisparkles,

I have read the writing on the wall
and the greatest mystery is not the hist'ry of Jasper, Drood, and One-and-All.

Ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok. Bonk.

So's... Whatsss?

Goddamn foo. Is it better to be busy and have no free time to despair at the grimness of the world, or to do little and slough about in thoughts and theories? Or is the solution to just ignore that which is tragic and continue on finding good in simple things that are oft taken for granted?

I'm not in a grim mood today, I've just been reading this metaphorical play that depicts these various types of people. Obviously, the best way to be is the 3rd option. It's funny how the more you learn the more cynical/critical you can become. Animals are the best apparently. I don't remember voting for animals, but somehow they got in.


I want to teach elementary music class. I want to listen to children sing incorrectly from a text book. I want to record it and make techno remixes of "Fiftey Niftey United States."

Shout em.
Scout em.
Tell all about em.

Sorry so asinine,


Monday, November 01, 2004

Heh Heh. Tweezers.


What if the terrorists attack Columbus tonight? What if I am obliterated by the vile wave of plague that the monsterous men drop on the citizenry like so much Macy's Day confetti? With the burntasming of the eyes and the bleeding of the earsies. That, mon petit pom, would suck. It's okay to die, I suppose, but it is more pleasurable to die with forewarning. I concede that secret translated recordings of Dr. Bin Laden are a form of warning, but I mean I want a doctor's diagnosis.
"Mr. Zoloft, you have six months to live."
"That's Soloff, sir."
"Oh, what did I say?"
"Zoloft, like the anti-depressant."
"Oh! Ah ha! Ah ha ha ha ha!"
"Heh. Heh heh."
"Ha ha ha ha ha!"
"heh heh, yeah."
"Whooo! Hahahahahaa! Oh man, Oh man! Hahahahaha, aw maaan!"

I hope that my city is not destroyed tonight by foul pestilence or filth bomb or the incineratocerous. But if it is, know this: Many of you have touched me in a way that is immeasurable. Through friends and associados I have learned about the world and myself. And I have become more appreciative of that which I've lived through. I am grateful for the times that we've spent, and I wish all of you the happiest futures imaginable.

Oh yeah, but if I don't get blasted into powder tonight then um. Hey... What's up? Can I, like borrow a DVD or somethin'?

