Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The clamming of a nation


I'm in the process of convincing myself that collages are awesome. I know you want to judge me as an effeminate old lady (redundance), but hear me out. The collage as Art utilizes legitimate "photorealistic" images in a genuinely artistic creative arrangement to build a new image that is neither created solely by the artist nor the original photographer. It is a collaboration. It is the theatre of visual art. Not like I know anything about visual art.

After I've drunk like 5 beers, I acquire an aftertaste of the beer in some undisclosed sponge that lives in my throat. Beer has an aftertaste, I know this, but the more I drink the more my perspective on the aftertaste changes. It becomes a poisonous flavor. A vile reminder that I could be speaking articulately if I had not imbibed. Not like I speak articulately anyway.

My bro came to town to see me in Measure for Measure he like't. Awesome. It was nice to get to hang out w/ a supportive piece of family and by comparison realize that I am leading quite a different life from my kin. Well, not that different, just a different focus. I mean it's not like I kill hookers or anything. Hmmm....

The end of the quarter is upon me. This is the time to stand and deliver. Rise up from the dogpile and kick the ball straight through a stained-glass window. Let's make some noij. Um. Noise. Let's make some noise.


Rob's Ombie


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