Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

I got this idea in the urinal.

Hey. Mr. Moonshine did this on his blog, so I thought I'd give't a whirl. Its a nice little call and response type game, here's whatcha do:

01.Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, I'll tell you what it would be.
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you

This is going to be hard on us all.


*NEW* The-The :
1. I like your energy. You seem to actively engage the problems that lie before you.
2. The No-Face from "Spirited Away" reminds me of you, simply out of association. So does Miss Saigon, because you're always bellyaching about the horrors of regime change.
3. I would say 10:30pm, because that's after rehearsal time and I usually see you and Jason walking off into the darkness.
5. The time that we were driving thru town in the rain and you drove your car through 4 feet of water.
6. One of those frilled lizards that runs upright on the desert sands. Also a gorrilla b/c that's your character type.
7. Why are there so many ants in your apartment right now?


TRWM : Man. I have no idea who you is. I suppose that I should have been more specific in my post - I can't really comment on people who I don't know. If you think that I should know you, then post me a clue and maybe I'll understand who you secretly are. I don't like to use real names in my blogre for mystery's sake. BOOGAH!

*NEWER* 7/19/05

1. I like your demeanor. The way you interact with people is very warm and relaxed. This speaks to an inner confidence and an optimistic worldview.

2. "Eye of the Tiger" is the obvious choice here, but for some supplimental input I have to say that Michael Keaton reminds me of you. He also reminds me of my uncle, who also reminds me of you.

3. 10:00 am. This is the time when one has the whole day ahead of him/her and yet is not tired out by said activities. This is a time of hope and possibilities. I also imagine that this is when you arrive at school to do your homework independant of faculty mandate.

4. Honorable.

5. It's not really a shared moment in the conventional sense, but the budaguda budaguda budaguda bo! warmups stick with me.

6. Golden retriever

7. Is teaching your ideal future? No secret dreams of stardom?

Monday, June 27, 2005

I've made the list!

Ever do google searches for your name? Sometimes you find out that Alabamians are praying for you. Or your doppelganger.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

I cooksd Indian food all bys myself! Tikka for weeks! Posted by Hello

My new hair Posted by Hello

Monday, June 20, 2005

Shit-storm, Hooooo!! Posted by Hello

Yankee go gnome


I'm back in the Norf. My desperately ill car was quite kind by not self-incinerating on the ride home, we only had a little scare with a carburator sensor giving up on me. I asked my Dad about the ins and outs of buying a new car, and was summarily condescended to. So much for parental advice. I'll go learn about costly procedures the hard way, that'll show him.

All bitterness aside, I've had a nice and restful 10 days away from the Ivory Tower. Although, I did have a terrifying experience when my love was bitten by a Black Widow Spider. I know zilch about toxicity and that kind of crocodile hunter stuff, so when things began to get scary I had no idea how soon I had to get my little robot to the hospital. It makes you realize how truly important someone is to you when you're faced with the possibility of losing them. Ultimately, the DESTRUCTICON prevailed and processed the venom (or "vemon" as our doctor pronounced it) like a champ. Whew! :)

I'm taking an Amination class this quarter. I'm a bit timid about it. Hand drawing and all that jazz, its something I've not done since I was a lad. Its a rare experience to get to do that kind of stuff though, and who knows, it may become something that I really dig.

Times are tight. Cash is fleeting. Send me all your coins.

Beee beee beee bee!,

Sir Richard

Saturday, June 18, 2005

The scabby little nose of a darling pup

Hey Samsons,

Here I lie, on a feathery mattress on my last afternoon in Tennesse - home of the smoky mountains, Ripley's Aquarium (home of the largest underwater hallway), and of course Dollywood. Not to mention that this is the roosting place of my beloved DESTRUCTICON. Right now I've persuaded her new dog (let's just call him Shit-storm) to be nice and lie quietly with me as I type this. Little Shit-storm and I have been buddies all week. I take him for walks, play tug of war, and wipe the mucusy tears that collect near his ducts. In return, he lets me clean up his urine from the floor. It's a pretty good deal. I love the lil' fella and it's going to be a shame to trade his warm embrace for the frosty teet of Mother Ohio. More on my adventures with astounding pix when I rendezvous with my CPU.

OMG LOTD. 6 days. I'm totes getting front row.

I am a slug. Let this be the summer of fitness! *gonnnng*

I eat your brains,

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I Killed Gregor Samsa with Citrus-Scented Deathspray

Saw the biggest insect (outside of the zoo) in my life last night. It was a giant beetle or mutant cockroach of some sort, skittering around in my new apartment's bathroom. Imagine my supreeze! In a state of revulsion, I brandished a can of roach-doom and aerosoled the tiny giant into a gasping death. For the rest of the night I smelled the orangey odor of murder and felt a spiritual disquietude.

I had a Kafelunsch with my brilliant associate King Richard II. We had intended to sample the feaux-Indian cuisine of Taj II (a restaurant so nice they named it deuce). Unfortunately, we discovered that ALL Indian restaurants in the High Street area are closed from 2-5. This is some sort of subcontinental CONSPIRACY! The fiends! I wanted mines curried murgh! And delicious naan bread. Gah! Oh well. We went to the darling and quaint Cafe Mozart instead, where I dined on "curried" chicken salad, soup, and scones. SCONES!!

Yesterday I did a little theatricalization of a play written by OSU's former FTAD of Theatre, M. Elbow. It's an interesting metaphor for adult life being akin to children playing on a playground. The satirization of academia inherent in Act II is supremely appreciated by me. Oh, did I mention that I've been assigned the job of teaching at OSU next fall? I'm delighted! Finally, a group of tender minds will fall prey to my knowledge-pellets. True, I'm not teaching lecture, only recitation, but all the same I should be able to make an impact on some young humans. Muuahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaa! *snarl*



Wednesday, June 01, 2005

I caught Buhdda Jazzercising

Herr Ludwig,

I'm moving apartments. Why it seems like just yesterday since I first broke ground on this roach-laden haven for 1st generation immigrants and unambitious drunks. I'll miss it. The awkward rendezvous with the ancient and spindly alcoholic woman down the hall. The loud and whooping men stomping "oh shit! oooooh shit!" at the video game being played somewhere above my ceiling. The children screeching in foreign tongues as they play and attack each other outside my bedroom window. But don't get me wrong, it hasn't been all sugarplums and icing on this street. I've had to face the burden of frozen winters through 1-ply windows. Feel the baleful presence of a thousand corpses lying enearthed in the adjacent Union Cemetery. And let us not forget my arduous struggle with Xbox addiction. Oh my. Just typing the word makes my A-button finger twitch. Se la vie, off to greener pastures.

The improv group that I've been working with now has a name: Johnny Longform. I'm do a showzen with them anoche. Go see't if you're within the tri-state area.

Zombies are a wealth of metaphor and I'll prove it Goddamnit!

King Kong ain't got shit on bee.
