Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Lots of news from the interim, but no time to say't


S'been awhile - I am employed and also in rehearsals for The Merchant of Venice, which affords me precious little time to catch the inter-world up on my exploits and skull-duggeries. Here is a brief synopsis:

1. Had my throat start to close up at work, had to leave to seek special attention. Results unconclusive. Destruction of self imminent.

2. Recieved a visit from the Muter. Too short a time to have a full visit, but the catching up was a welcome return to the comforts of home.

3. Finished Second City's IFA level 1. Soon level 2 will begin. And THEN, dear reader, THEN! ...

4. Lost thousands of the Hive's dollars in a repeated clerical error. Surprisingly, I remain unfired. My conclusion is that it is less cost effective to raise a new drone from the larval stage than it is to retrain a grown one. I am GREAT at business!

5. I will ressurect the ZOMBIE HAMLET AUDITION performance piece that I created at OSU for its first Chicago performance in a bar called "T's" tonight. Fake blood a go-go. WOOOAAARGH!

more later. now must shovel honey into hexagonic cells....

Monday, September 04, 2006


Hey Usurers,

I am giving birth to dolphins with excitement today because I have been cast in a production of The Merchant of Venice! Making this even better is that the DESTRUCTICON is playing the romantic partner of my character! We're playing Lorenzo and Jessica, who elope under Shylock's nose and reinfoce the notion that Christianity is still the religion that all the cool kids are into.

This is my first foray into Chicago's theatre scene, and I couldn't be happier that it comes in the form of a Shakespeare play. I love acting Shakespeare and can't wait to start rehearsals. This has been a very encouraging day and gives me hope for the future.

I'm off now to help the DESTRUCTICON move her stuff into Firecracker Island.



Saturday, September 02, 2006

Plugging along

Hey choice beefs,

I'm not obliterated as my previous post may insinuate. I've just been having a little bit of trouble adjusting to my new habitat. I have been getting nervous about meeting new people and doing new things and this nervousness apparently manifests itself in debilitating physical symptoms. But, I shall endeavor to proceed on casually as if it wasn't happening and, in time, my nerves will smooth out. What a pain in the bum.

My lorve has come to stay w/ me in this metropolis of mine. It is so good to have someone here who understands and cares. Because the city can oft feel void of the caring - especially during rush hour on public transportation.

Against my guts, I have signed up for some auditions. I've got one today for Merchant of Venice and one next week for a sketch comedy review. Hopefully those will be McNifico. Even if I suck big moose at them, I'll be getting out of the slump of fear and loathing. I think this just might be the "quarter life crisis" that girly magazines talk about.

Oh yeah, I saw "Felt", an improvised puppet show. It was delightful to me on a level that bordered boyhood enthusiasm.

I took an online quiz. I'm Tom Zerek. I wanted to be Dr. Baltaar.
