I got this idea in the urinal.
Hey. Mr. Moonshine did this on his blog, so I thought I'd give't a whirl. Its a nice little call and response type game, here's whatcha do:
01.Reply with your name and I will write something I like about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie/icon reminds me of you.
03. If I were to apply an o'clock to you, I'll tell you what it would be.
04. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
05. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
06. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
07. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you
This is going to be hard on us all.
*NEW* The-The :
1. I like your energy. You seem to actively engage the problems that lie before you.
2. The No-Face from "Spirited Away" reminds me of you, simply out of association. So does Miss Saigon, because you're always bellyaching about the horrors of regime change.
3. I would say 10:30pm, because that's after rehearsal time and I usually see you and Jason walking off into the darkness.
5. The time that we were driving thru town in the rain and you drove your car through 4 feet of water.
6. One of those frilled lizards that runs upright on the desert sands. Also a gorrilla b/c that's your character type.
7. Why are there so many ants in your apartment right now?
TRWM : Man. I have no idea who you is. I suppose that I should have been more specific in my post - I can't really comment on people who I don't know. If you think that I should know you, then post me a clue and maybe I'll understand who you secretly are. I don't like to use real names in my blogre for mystery's sake. BOOGAH!
*NEWER* 7/19/05
1. I like your demeanor. The way you interact with people is very warm and relaxed. This speaks to an inner confidence and an optimistic worldview.
2. "Eye of the Tiger" is the obvious choice here, but for some supplimental input I have to say that Michael Keaton reminds me of you. He also reminds me of my uncle, who also reminds me of you.
3. 10:00 am. This is the time when one has the whole day ahead of him/her and yet is not tired out by said activities. This is a time of hope and possibilities. I also imagine that this is when you arrive at school to do your homework independant of faculty mandate.
4. Honorable.
5. It's not really a shared moment in the conventional sense, but the budaguda budaguda budaguda bo! warmups stick with me.
6. Golden retriever
7. Is teaching your ideal future? No secret dreams of stardom?