Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Yes. Online.

If you're seeing this messnej then my blog is back up and running. I hope this is the case. Obi Wan Kenobi, thou'rt mine only hope.

Hey hey, I was thinking....

Ok check it....

I'm always telling myself that I don't want to grow up to be my father and every year I watch in horror as I incrimentally become more and more like the man. This creates mental/spiritual distress, no? Well what about this thought then? As offspring, we are the immortalization of our parents. We are their living memorials, testaments to the fact that they did indeed exist although they may be now dead. So as progeny, it is our duty to our parents to share that which makes them fundamentally them. What that is exactly is hard to put one's finger on.

There's also the struggle for identity. How can I be satisfied living as a clone of my father when I want to forge my own identity to be remembered for/as? I want to pass my own identity on through my children, do I not? This is a case of the individual verses the Other. I think that ultimately, who we are is neither the result of our own choice nor is it the effect of our parents' biological footprints.

Hmm... Biological imperative. The Frosty North, YES! We shall be 21st century men! We shall wear our beards long! Ha-Ha!


Echo the Dolphin

Monday, October 25, 2004

Everyone gets to eat free razorblade

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

On the Poor

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

End of Days

Hey, remember when you were a fat, introverted, high school loser? Ah, those were the days, weren't they? The high school heirarchy and cruel social dynamics. Being summarily sloughed into the ranks of the verbally inept and aesthetically inferior in the name of perserving the great spiritual great meat grinder. Ah if only I could have fathomed the principles of Machivellian scheming in my awkward formative years. I was still foolishly permeated by the "Be yourself" policy of social interaction. It was a terrible 12 years of life (my elementary and middle schooling were agony as well). But hey, I deserved it. I couldn't keep my fat little fingers off of those single-serving Ore Ida french fry packs.

Now, years after disavowing my existence as a sixteen year old, I see my scars resurface and glow red and green. Why, you ask? HERE'S WHY:

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. This walking syringe of syrup was the Queen of my high school class (and I mean that in the most insectiod sense of the word, she had drones). It seems that the popularity contest never did end, I just journeyed past its borders.

Stop being a Dick, Mark, you say. This woman is a human being with feelings and dreams and aspirations. What did she ever do to you? Nothing, dear reader, nothing. I was a flicker of stench to this butterfly, incommunicative, translucent. And it is not the woman herself who irks me so terribly, but rather the system that rewarded her. She was an unwitting figurehead of sorts. As much a victim of back-biting and slander as I was of envy and obscurity.

In college I discovered my own clique. A theatre society that rewarded me bountifully for the random stage abilities that I had. I didn't earn them. God just predisposed me to control of my inflections. And now upon reflection, I feel a certain horror that I have become just another pointed tooth in the Grinder.

So where is the middleground? Can one escape the fury and torment of being a Walking Nothing without ascending to the position of Loathed Oppressor? How? And more hauntingly, will that balance satisfy the soul?


Thursday, October 14, 2004

Kafka Dreams

Hey you -

I've been thinking about this quote all day: "All sin springs from impatience or laziness".

I've determined that pride does not spring from either of those, but it does cause impatience. Still, as full of holes as the quote may be, it is still a good guideline for living.

For if you are patient, you can endure harship without making a jerk of yourself.

And if you are proactive you will accomplish that which would otherwise mire you in unhappiness.



Wednesday, October 13, 2004

The life unfinish-!

Hey Kafkas,

Which one of you blog-afficionados out there who are reading this will be the first to die? I'm not saying that I'm going to kill you, don't misunderstand. I mean, one of us has to be first right? What if it's you? What would that be like?

I always like to imagine that the day after I die the earth will be plunged into a grey, sunless, miasma. Pestilence and anxiety will permeate the streets. Historical landmarks will chip and crumble, sending bands of tourists fleeing blindly into traffic. And, out of respect and regret, all my enemies will commit ritualistic and unprofessional suicide by slicing capillaries that bleed out far too slowly to facilitate a quick and painless death. But hey, that's just me.

So here's the scary thing... We could die without accomplishing what it is that we truly want to accomplish. It gives weight to the argument that one should live in the moment and for the moment. Carpe diem as it were. The problem with that of course (as is evidenced in my case) is that you'll get fat if you do that.

So don't live for the moment. Watch your diet and exercise regularly.

Then get hit by a truck.

Fuck. Ok. Live for the moment a little bit, but not too much. Achieve a state of balance. Be as an Eastern philosopher would wish you to be. Because if you do whatever you want whenever you want, you would never get your bills paid. And everyone would hate you. Unless, of course, you're Jesus in which case doing what you want is helping others. Except for money lenders. He'll kick you in the ball-i-cules if you're a money lender.

Life is a glorious explosion. And the greatest among us are merely shrapnel.

Are you going to be incinerated upon detonation, or are you going to lodge yourself for all time into the femur of a foreign G.I.?

Now let's get out there and make an impression!



Friday, October 08, 2004

John Kerry kills raptors live on stage

More Zombie story! Piping hot for you lovers!

From Mark Soloff's Stagger Through the Sunshine:

Chapter 1: Grocery Day

I wake slowly today. It’s that nagging kind of lethargy that takes hold when you know that the day ahead has nothing to offer you. If you could flash forward 24 hours you would. But since you can’t, you roll around for twenty minutes before finally deciding that your brain is awake even if your body isn’t. Nowadays, I get this feeling more often than not.
Beams of sunset diffuse through the western wall of my tent. It’s chilly this evening. Autumn is coming early this year. No birds chirp, I hear only the sonorous hum of the city’s inhabitants below.

I roll out of “bed” and root through my belongings until I find my mouthwash. My mouth is a sewer this evening. Lips are dry and cracked too. There’s probably less humidity in the air now. Ha. Four weeks ago, I would have prayed for dryness like this. Well, I wouldn’t have prayed. I take a measured pull of Listerine and give my self a good minute of swishing – thirty seconds more than you’re supposed to, but I don’t have the luxury of modern dentistry anymore. I swallow.

The air is thick with moans. It’s as if the atmosphere has been replaced with a wall of invisble suffering. The cries sing to me, always the same words: there is no hope. I know this with the core of my being, but somehow I continue to unzip my sleeping bag every evening and get up to face another night of life. This life is all I have and I’ve worked too hard to give it up now. It sounds dramatic. Sorry, but it is dramatic. So fuck you.

I step out of my tent and into the air. I sleep in a tent on the roof of the Integrity Financial building downtown. I’m not homeless. This is my home. And at this stage in the game, it’s a pretty fucking good one. I do some shoulder rolls and runner’s stretches. I have no idea how to keep myself in shape without the aid of exercise machines, so I try to stretch at least. Keeps me loose and nimble. Ha. My right foot is killing me. I have a fungal infection of some sort under the first three nails, it could be worse. I’ll have to find some anti-fungal cream.

I grab a nearly spent jug of distilled water and water my plants. Ironic that in this fucking swamp of a city I’m short on water. The glass, as they say, is half empty. My pride and joy is this little greenhouse. Well, it’s my pride at least. I made it from scratch and, with careful rationing, have been able to sustain myself to a certain degree from its yield. I’m not a farmer, I was a percussionist if you can believe it, so the fact that I’ve managed to grow anything at all astounds me. The “greenhouse” is comprised of five neon-colored plastic kiddie pools that I’ve filled with dirt and fertilizer. Initially I had the idea to use a kiddie pool to bale the water off of the roof, but after that was done it dawned on me that it would make a nice little planter. The pools are covered by a triangular canopy of office-grade fluorescent light covers that I’ve propped up against each other. It’s like a plastic teepee, or church roof. I hoped to diffuse the sun’s rays through the light covers so my tomato vines wouldn’t burn, but in actuality I have no idea if the canopy does anything useful at all. Like I said, I’m not a farmer. Finding dry intact fertilizer and soil in this city was a fucking miracle. Big deal, you think. Well it took me three nights to sort through, collect, and haul up enough bags of dry soil from Pet and Plant to fill the pools, so show some appreciation. Lugging eight ten-pound bags up forty flights is no picnic, but it’s done now - so whatever. I’ve successfully grown tomatoes and now I’m working on potatoes and strawberries. I don’t think the strawberries are going to make it: they’re probably summer fruits. I view my greenhouse as a sort of sickly daughter. Every change in whether becomes a dire situation. Well, not as dire as it used to be… Still, I’d say that preservation of my crop is the second biggest anxiety of my life right now. I don’t live solely on my “crops.” I also supplement my diet (and by supplement, I mean 97% of what I eat everyday is) by eating a daily multivitamin and giant economy-sized cans of peanut butter. It’s not the most nutritious diet in the world, but, all things considered, it could be worse.

The sun has set. A dull red haze blankets the city’s westernmost skyscrapers. My breakfast today is a protein bar from the case that I foraged (looted) from the body of a customer in the Indian restaurant on 5th Avenue. My second course is more peanut butter. It’s a chewy and dry first meal of the day, but steak and eggs is kind of out of the question. I lug my telescope over to the edge of the rooftop. I scan the scene surrounding Integrity’s ground floor. The water has drained significantly in the last three nights. Unfortunately, that means that I have to go down to the streets tonight. It’s a dizzying view straight down.

Greeting me this evening are thousands of human bodies choking the roadways. They throb against my building like a carpet of living flesh. It’s terrifying and overwhelming to see. I have trouble processing this sight every time I see it. The streets look like a combination of a riot, a rally, and an exodus. I scan the crowd closer with my telescope. I see a man’s yellowed fingernail scrape at the concrete wall of Integrity Financial. It peels back from his browned, decomposing hand, which he uses to smacks again against the wall with relentless fervor. Oh god does that get under my skin. Despite his wound, he continues to claw at the building’s wall. And why not? He can’t feel it. They’re all numb. Numb and relentless. Fucking monsters. I refuse to call them by that other name. I refuse to use that ridiculous word for what these things are. That cheapens what’s going on here. They are monsters. They were men and women and children with jobs and friends and favorite restaurants and now they’re corpses. They were friends, and lovers. We were making plans for the future. Now there is nothing. I have nothing. A life of terror and pity. I’m not crazy. At least I don’t think I’m crazy. My name is Renee Zinzer and I’m the only living person in the fucking world.

Monday, October 04, 2004

Your father is dead. I'm so sorry. Posted by Hello

Dog attacks caucasian Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 02, 2004


Hey bat-fans,

Markre the irreverent here. New blog's up and operationale. Let's do this, Absurdists!

Hey I got cast in Measure for Measure at OSU. I play Abhorson/Froth. Abortion. Would anyone care for an abortini?

I want to be a wild artist nowadays. I want to slurp absinthe and wander quaint streets in a frock coat. Ah, I believe that I was born in the wrong era.

