Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

Big Sean thinks I'm sexy

No, not Sean from Denison. A different one.

I just got back from my journey to the Souf and my spirits have been replenished (no, not the booze cabinet. Note to self: invest in booze cabinet). I saw my beloved Destructicon for the last time this summer (it's September already yo, what's up wif dat?).

Much has happened on my pilgrammage to the sunny land of mountains and antiques. I purchased a cheap-0 car stereo from Wal-Mart and installed it myself. This may not seem like such a great feat to the average mortal. But I have ne'er undertaken any sort of wiring task in my life, and, therefore, am swollen with pride at my successful installation. It's pride. Not a dysentary. I swear.

My creature-loving lady took me to the zoo. As it was the middle of the day in September, the place was fairly empty. It was cool to have the whole park to ourselves, but the sense of total security recedes a bit when the animals outnumer the spectators. I got a great picture with a lioness that was napping against the glass of her enclosure. I'll post that on some later o'clock. Oh yeah, the otters were the shit. I want otters. I know I shouldn't oughter, but I do. -that was stupid.

There is much to tell from my visit to mountain-country, but I feel it prudent to parcel out these adventures over time. Let them air out a bit before being ziplocked into cyberspace. Mmmm.

Back in C-town now. What to do? Pizza and booze? You ol' dog...

Mister Mayfield


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