Dr. Wiggleybones finds cure for scoleosis
Dear Godotbots,
I have return-ed from my journ-ed to Pittsburgh-(ed?). Conclusion: family is for suckers who like to have conversations and love each other. Me? I'm a lone wolf, amigo. Soy un lupo solamente, friend. I get bugged out by my acursed progenitors even when they have the best of intentions. I feel judged by all the successful scientists around me - like I can't validate my soon to be artistic career. I think that's the difficulty about a life in art - you can't really prove yourself until you're actually working in the field. Simply being a medical student is impressive, but being a student of Theatre is lessive. Also, working in Theatre/comedy is different from making a living at it. That's the shitty mcSquirts about the whole kaboodle. You can perform wonderfully at your local oyster bar or community theater, but until you're Patrick Stewart or Horatio Sanz, not too many muggles give a qualm. Ah shucks, all of this diatribe has been better articulated by the great poet-deadbeats of the ages: Euripides, George Bernard Shaw, and the late, great Nipsy Russel.
I'm learning that the future is filled with uncertainty and that I must find a way to continue forward bravely in spite of that uncertainty. I suppose that's what life is. But oh the temptation of business school!
Bone marrow,