Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Chris Walken Impressions are Back in Style

Solar Power Cells,

Today is my first morning back in Columbus after my two week tour of "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It is wonderful to be back home with my own space/stuff/nematodes. I like not having a roomate (not that my roomie on the road was bad, I just like to chill without having to consider the requirements of others). On second thought, it was kind of nice to have another human to interact with in my down time. Eric (my roomie) is a quiet guy who allowed me to vent my baleful spleen (test out any musings that came to mind) and didn't give me much trouble about it. He was akin to Kian in that respect.

Tearful goodbyes: Due to shared cabs and flights, it took the cast several hours to finally separate. Despite this length of time, everybody seemed to be constantly saying goodbye to each other. It was endearing and sentimental, but my cold coffin of a heart didn't really allow me to get into it. I liked the people that I worked with but, for the most part, I didn't really forge eternal friendships. Peter Cutts was cool, as was Michael Fisher and Guy Balotine and Regina (even though I didn't really hang out w/ her).

Swinish Knavery: I got hammered on one of the nights in Virginia. It was monsterous. I told Christina that I my mistake was that I was "trying to drink until I become an optimist." It's a little creepy and stupid. I wound up talking to some Canadian Scots in a Scottish accent (which apparently offended them) and, of course, vomitting all day in the aftermath. Terrible times. Taught me a lesson.

On Playing Giant Houses: It's really exciting to step into a multi-thousand capacity theatre and know that all of those seats may be filled to watch something that you're a part of. I reccomend it to every actor because the experience is validating. The funny thing is that even though the stakes are higher, its still the same performance that you used to give in dress rehearsals - it's still just lil' ol' you out there on the planks. Perspective and framing is everything.

Kristine Kearney rock my socks off. Coolest costume designer ever (sorry Cindy/Joyce) And she knows Dana (Master Shake) Snyder! What kind of crazy bizarro world is this??

Oh, I dressed up as a woman for a scene in this play. Almost passed out on stage from lack of food/overheating. Gained weight from the chunky tour food. And I am very grateful to be back in my normal life with my loved ones. Destructicon, MMMMWAH!

Yogurt for Breakfast,



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