Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Interview from beyond the deep

Hey tremors,

I have started taking this antibiotic for a crazy ailment (yes I, like my martian brothers before me, can also be felled by the humble bacteria). Last night was my first dose, which I took without ceremony or pouting. In the middle of the night I awoke with a feeling of nausea, confusion, and trembling. I read the perscription's indications and warnings and it said that such things were possible side effects as was Hypoglycemia - too little sugar in the blood. So I drank a grape juice and tried to stop freaking out about my imminent demise. At least I'll take the bacteria down with me.

Needless to say, I awoke this morning still alive. And a good thing too because in 2.5 hours I have a job interview downtown! I don't particularly relish the job that I am applying for, nor do I have any feeling for the company, but they apparently trade money for time. And lately I have a surplus of one and a deficeit of the other. I just hope that with my weird sleep and my already extant fear of all things that the interview will go smoothly "irregardles".

I just found out that an alumn from my grad school days has moved to Chicago and is in a play with my darling Destructicon. What a small world it is, mon ami.

Kiss my dust, dust lover!


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Skaties, Snowies, and Lainies

Pirate Jennies,

Hwad up? Lots of activities have been done within the past two weeks and I shall henceforth disclose such things unto you.

Destructicon and I took a pilgramage to our alma mater in the land of rolling hills and stayed with old friendsre. It was really great. It is lovely to escaparse the cuidad Chicago and also jawsome to visit w/ old buddies. I picked up a book called "Gospel of the Living Dead" which is a scholarly analysis of Romero's zombie films. Sound familiar? It simultaneously gives me hope and stokes my ire at not actually working to have my thesis published by the man. Oh well, I suppose that there will always be a place for it in the stacks of OSU's library. Oh yeah. We were visited by the pinkeye fairy. Poof!

Once back in town, I met with the cousin of my stepfather in order to network and learn about the grownup world of working. I'm torn between having a big kid job with full benefits and full responsibilities and having a highschool job that makes me go crazy with rage at how much I suck because I have a highschool job. I supose that time and debt will yield an answer. It is also important to not define yourself by what you do to earn money, but rather who you are when you're not out earning money. I have a job interview next week for a desk job at a security company. Not exactly my area of study, but hey - baby needs a new pair of shoes. And a plasma screen.

Went skating with Destructicon yesterday. That dynamite lady is responsible for me poking my head out of my tortise shell of an apartment and sniffing the air of the real world. Within the past four years I have ridden bikes, flown kites, taken road trips, hiked up mountains, and now skated in spite of my inner sluggard. Everyone should take the time to reach outside of their comfort zone once and awhile. It makes you look at yourself in a different light. Or at least with a different gobo. Mine's a swirley.

Oh yeah, I saw Ol' Dr. Evans-Bryan. He is cool. Still got it.

Gimme a job. Cast me in a play. Til then, I'll cover the video games.


Wednesday, January 10, 2007

D'you fink there's bugs in `is?

I feel frustrated by the job hunt today. I have not been hunting very hard, granted, but the old creepy-crawlies of doubt and frustration are surfacing. I haven't spent much time outside of the apartment of late and I think that it is taking a toll on my mind-state. I also beat my video game. So now that I am the ruler of the galaxy, it dawns on me that I need to pay the utilities for my galactic palace. Do you have any idea how much it costs to power an entire space laser? Lots.

Um. I feel small and unable to take on the challenges of adult life. I suppose that time and experience will negate these feelings. So I will wait for that stuff to kick in.

In other news: I have my first Conservatory class tonight. It makes me feel the Fear. But the Super-Fear did not actually start until my IFA classes were over and my temp job was finished. So perhaps starting up improv classes again will remind me why I'm in this metropolis and quell the Fear. With its long and shiny blade.

Boom boom clap dah boom boom buh clap dah.


Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Hippie makes bong out of Beluga's Blowhole


Sorry for the bleak and encoded blog of recent entry. I have felt the pressures of the city of late: its imposing size, claustrophobic corridors, and irksome populace. I've endeavored to overcome my innate rodentine fears by continuing to pursue the improv and employment.

I did two gigs at Improv Kitchen last weekend - which was good for my Christmas break rusted chops. I also observed the whalesies and the dolphinians at the aquarium. It was a fascinating romp through the land of the sea-beasts. I also had my first blast from a Beluga's mighty blowhole spray my simian face. Not a proud moment, but a moment none the less. It's probably cleaner than the L at any rate.

I didn't make any mind-blowing resolutions this year. I just hope to fight the forces of fear and conformity. I also hope that 2007 is brighter than its pugnacious predecessor.

Send me all of the money. That exists.