Markre de Sol: Behind the Ramparts and Dreaming

One man's quest to articulate the grunts and gurgles of modern life.

Location: Chicagrocrag, IL, Fiji

I got like, this big, big stick of gum. I chew it a little bit at a time, because I wanna savor it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

We need to pay the rent with our ROCK!


Today is my first official day of Unemployment. And although I shouldn't feel this way, I think it's fucking awesome. I've always loathed and feared labor of the ligiments and mind, but my brief foray into the world of the souless worker bees has solidified my distaste for such plebian endeavours as the banal squandering of one's life in exchange for base ducats and sheckles. I am an elitist prig and, as such, should not be required to work. It doesn't hurt that for the past three months I've been doing as "The Man" tells me to do and not as my heart does - that is to say working in a field unrelated to my passions and whimsies. I've also learned valuable lessons in ignoring mostrous rudeness. Such psyche-saving daydreaming has only been rivalled in my lifetime by my epic "space-out" sessions during my parents' divorce.

So in GOOD news - I've been accepted into Second City's Conservatory level classes!!!! If you review my blog entries from late summer, you'll see my first fruitless attempt to gain admission into the prestigous academy of improv-acolytes. Now, at long last, I've truly begun my journey. I'm very excited to begin and I feel a little bit of my old confidence returning to my veins.

Additionally, I have just finished typing my first draft of The Playbook: How to Bang on Chicks and Beatdown Punkasses. It is a satire on highschool football culture that I penned at work to keep me sane. So it's sort of like the company paid me to write a book that mocks their children. Justice abounds. More on The Playbook as it develops.

In more good news, The Destructicon has recently landed a lead role in a musical here in the city. This is very exciting for her, and I feel that it's about damn time that this city paid attention to her talent.

And now dear Bat-fiends I must avaunt from hence to two miles away to spend time w/ a cinnamon cat and a special lady.

Flame beats wick everytime.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for her and for you! Both of those things are great. In other news I played Das Assen Fuck Nacht on the radio, something no one should ever do.


5:06 PM  
Blogger markre said...

I could kiss you for that.

1:39 PM  

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